Hello from Wyoming. First, I am grateful to Mark Hamilton for his wisdom and vision. I feel fortunate that I was chosen to be part of this family. I have a passion for people, and this is the place to share with so many other passionate people. I have been a business owner, working stiff and a single parent for nearly nine (9) years. Most days I found that by the end of the day, I had no energy nor patience for my sons, now, ages 19 and 21.
Now, at one-half century old, using the wisdom I’ve been taught here, I have abundant energy, love, money and passion for life.
Having read all three multigenerationals, and continuing to study and learn from them, I find it impossible to feel anything but love for my sons. I now encourage young parents to notice how much their children learn from age 1 to talking time. I suggest, they didn’t teach their child to walk and talk, that instead the child’s observation and love for them lead the way. I remind them to love the child, but not inhibit or press the child to put their trust in any external authority.
Using the knowledge and guidance, provided by this Society, has made me more productive, happy and prosperous in my business, family, and romantic life. Until recently I was planning to run for the House of Congress. Now, I feel my FNE is to lead the charge to bring people into the Twelve Visions Party.
The Multigenerationals have taught me more about control of self, through mini day planning, and have also helped me learn to lessen the control on my sons and others in my life. We are much happier and I now feel that I have more time in my own life. Welcome.
Wyomings Face to The World A-Team
Casper, WY