Hi!! I did it! Finally figured out how to teach this to my grown children. So simple. Draw the puzzles so they can see what I see. Draw puzzle outline first, writing main goal within it’s boundaries. Below it, draw puzzle pieces, labeled inside their outline also. Continue pattern, until pieces can’t be divided into seperate puzzles by themselves. Start there. Complete puzzles from bottom to top.Clear plan, with the path laid out , priceless value to every dream! It’s fantastically exciting! I love this journey! Knowing I’m capable of physical, mental and emotional stability by applying discipline, heart and NEOTHINK came as a surprise gift. Countless people gave of themselves so I could receive it. I thank them.
Over and over the word ‘national’ was louder than other words in this meeting. I’m also going to tape my favorite “Searching for It’ meeting. It’s really funny and yes, ex-husbands are included. Considering taping more with different topics relating to NEOTHINK. Speaking is fun! Still typing my book. Getting bigger apartment. Now see path for answers of previous questions, drew puzzle. Go figure!
TVP path to big picture was enthralling. Going to read again. Service GOVERNMENT intrigues me, earned, not given. Protection of people is paramount.