Great meeting. I viewed it twice so far. In the beginning, I felt there would be a windfall of money and this comes to what Mark Hamilton stated about pointing them in the right direction. Some “Power Thinking” is needed for 2 reasons. The first one is; by directly stating that it’s going to take some time (even a few years) to have the kind of money that is desired will likely result in them leaving. The second one is to not mislead them (stringing them along, per. si.) to continue thinking it will. Even though I’ve always been the type of person to state things straight-out and to the point and expect the same in return, careful guidance is needed due to the above 2 reasons. Being a straight-out type of guy, I certainly need to do some Power-Thinking as to how to address the issue to someone. I come a long way and keep a tight budget on the money, with no resources at hand and opportunities come and go just as a current will due to lack of funds and resources; still, deep down, there is that feeling that my time is coming. I keep pushing forward.