WOW, the meetings get better and, more interesting each month. The ryme and, reason of religion was GREAT! actually made alot of sense! The portion related to our Gov’t was also out of sight. Nice piece of work!I have often been ask as I move deeper into the society what it really means to me and, what my true interest is! I will once again repeat myself. The society offers me a chance to mingle in social as well business with like minded people who also share life long held beliefs. The society gives them a certain level of comfort that they are not alone!! Which inturn will bring like minded people together to realize a life long dream who’s time has come. The C of U will provide the positive energy flow that will provide us with the courage and, strenght needed and, with NEOTHINK arming us with the knowledge we need. Combine the two together and, it’s an unstopable force who’s time has come. So inclosing I must warn the AC as much as they will kick and, scream your reign as a self centered stumbling demented child king is ending faster than you think. You have had it your way for the last 2400yrs. and, look at the mess!! However due to our efforts we will lead out of the dark and, into the light with the coming of GOD MAN which is humans becoming what our creator had planned when Adam the first model hit the showroom floor (GARDEN OF EDEN)We are now on the verge of becoming
what we were meant to be. Inclosing most people with a 2 digit IQ already realize religion has used fear for thousands of year’s as a control tool. Much like the lovely lane story in PAX, mirrows our current poltical system one useless taxpayer sponsored program failure designed to make public officals
look good like they have a best interest at heart while only empowering themselves. Once again I believe most informed people are aware of this those still in a coma are about to be awakened by a reality check called NEOTHINK! Again thank-you C of U and, NEOTHINK for giving us the much needed ammo that we need to finish out the cosmic plan!! Until next month C-YEA in some remote outpost in the twlight world of NEO-THINK!!