
I am 64 years old, so I am not young but still full of value-creating ideas. I absolutely love what I do. I have been a C-level executive is some of the largest and most successful Network Marketing companies. Unlike many who actually know very little about the industry they participate in, I had to learn every aspect of this business so that I could create value for the participants. It became my passion. I learned about computer systems, compensation plans, operations, marketing, sales techniques and everything I could to make sure I was honoring relationships. In fact, my personal mission is still: Help one company live up to the promise of Network Marketing. To do that, every relationship must be treated with honor and dignity at every turn. Although I studied each part of the business to understand how to create value, I also became a bit intolerant of owners who did not get it and used their positions to manipulate people rather than help them modify behaviors with remuneration and incentives that would lead them to what we call their WHY (Friday Night Essence). Because of my intolerance of manipulation, I have struggled with owners. At 64, I find myself consulting and scrambling to survive. I need to better integrate what I have learned so that I am a better Self Leader with control over the opportunity I am pouring my life, time and talents into. I am looking forward to that kind of mentorship from all you senior leaders in the Neothink Society. I feel a kinship with you already and am honored you have invited me to play with you.

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