Burning Question

Hello Mark, When I finished the first heirloom package, I had one burning question. That question was, “Why aren’t we there yet?” I now know that answer after finishing levels two and three heirloom packages. I thought that the events depicted in the first package had already happened. I want so much for all of Earth’s inhabitants to experience that wonderful life. There is such an urgency to quickly moving toward the C of U with threatening economic failure and climate change. I feel now that it is my life’s purpose to be a part of helping move humanity forward to the twelve visions world.

I have a comment to add now. I am grateful that I received heirloom package one first. I am a people person and am also very creative. I allowed myself to get involved in the lives of Miss Anabelle, her students, Jesse and Jake. I believe that I had a creative vision that could ultimately help influence people towards the twelve visions world. I will share that vision as I progress in the meetings. You almost lost me in package two, however. I never was involved in the corporate world and have an aversion to numbers. Also, I am not a Trump fan and did not like the part that praised his success in the business world. I feel that he, above all people, always had his finger on the “nuke” button as president. I skipped ahead to part two, finished the rest and then went back and read again part one. Part three was above me intellectually, however I was able to digest the core of the book. It, in fact, helped me make sense of all the questions I have had since childhood that I dared not ever ask out loud.

Now for my question, “Do you think that technology will have an answer for dealing with the waste that will be a by-product of all this value creation?” Heirloom part one did not speak of the practical details of moving up the population economically, such as what would be done with the unwanted homes and cars of those at the lower end of the economic scale. We already make too much trash. I have dozens of questions, but that is one of my most urgent ones. I can only feel free to move ahead if I can be reasonably sure that giving the people all their wants and needs would not be ultimately bad for the environment.

Thank you for enduring my long comments and questions, Debbie

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