Just now giving my integrations

Hi Mark! T hank you for discovering me. All my life I’ve waited to be discovered. Now through you and Neothink II have been I I must say that I was so excited to get into my first meeting with all the computer learning to get to private window browsing. Then as I learned, it takes my mind sometime to catch up and get part of what I’ve learned. some things don’t come until a lot later. I have a problem with remembering passwords.
Then I have tried and tried again and again to get back into private mode to leave an integrations and have been unsuccessful because I was not in private mode. I have tried seems like forever to get back to the 2nd meeting but I could not remember my password and the prompt says they will send me a link to reset my password ,so I can return to the meetings. I was unsuccessful. I never received the link no matter how many times and on any Neothinlk site. Without that link I am locked out of every Neothink that requires a password..
In the mean time I have read the trilogy and read Super-puzzle one and a half times.. I have purchased many more manuscripts and am reading them now.
I have started my mindays and I have found an ever-expanding FNE! I have taken up painting on my Friday nights. I have joined the congregation inspirational meetings and the Mastermind meeting.
I Have deiced that I believe in Neothink. I have deiced I want to be a contributing member to the Neothink Society, For the rest of my life. I see myself here at home in Neothink.
I get the feeling that may be or I don’t qualify for these meetings. Perhaps it is because, I ‘m have difficulty getting the link.to get to the meetings. Maybe I have made a computer mistake that has affected the system There may not be many others who have forgotten their password.
I am not sure how I fit into Neothink Society.
Mark Hamilton you are such a genius and a wonderful extensive writer. Your knowledge is infinite and your integrations I think of you in Awe.
I am now asking you to mentor me to do the right things, to get the link to, to get to reset my password.
I hope I am not too late and will not miss another meeting.If I qualify.
Most appreciatively
Paula Thompson
PS I am in Firefox with DuckDuckGo as my search engine! This finally happened after spending all day working and learning more about the computer to get me to this page!

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