After attending my Level 1 meeting a couple weeks ago I posted my thoughts on what I have learned so far, but later I realized that I may have missed a point, an opportunity to integrate. I posted that I have difficulty implementing a mini-day schedule because I often feel the need to arrange my tasks around how my body feels, and around the weather for outdoor tasks.
As I kept pondering and integrating the material you teach, I realized I was giving power to external body sensations, I was making excuses! Instead I need to get to the essence of Truth.
All my life, since my early teens, I’ve been wanting to know the Truth. Why are we here? Who, what, and where is this God? My family was not religious but they had no answers. So I’ve actually always looked at life like a puzzle, and I was always eager to collect little pieces, snippets of information, people’s opinions, and read and read and learn and learn to try to piece them all together to discover the ultimate Truth.
While my then-husband was intrigued with ghost stories, UFO sightings, and TV stories that constantly raised “will God punish us for doing or not doing such-n-such” guilt, my higher mind finally introduced me to NeoTech, and within a couple months wiped the slate clean, filled me with logic, power, and a clear vision which then lead me to rewarding success in building my own little business. Best of all, I had so much F U N! Of course my husband didn’t call it fun. He called it work. To him fun was alcohol, drugs, and entertainment.
Sadly and perhaps not surprisingly, things took a turn and as a result of my husband’s substance abuse I was lead back into mysticism by those around me trying to help me cope with losing my husband to his addictions…
While NeoTech put me on track within a few short months, I have now again spent years trying to get to the essence of Truth and successfully apply all those spiritual teachings… I lost my husband, I lost my business, I lost my health. And recently I lost my second husband to mysticism.
Ultimately, I literally blew my brain out (I had a brain aneurysm) and through this I lost numerous bodily functions, and I almost completely lost my life. So I’m one of the few lucky ones, and I’m finally coming back to understanding that only my mind is in control. We can call it God, Spirit, whatever, but I’m finally seeing that it is really MY mind. And in this discovery my mind brought me another invitation, this time it’s called NeoThink, and I’m once again beginning to feel empowered and getting back on the right track. THANK YOU! Thank you so much for helping me with integrating my puzzle!
I would also like to say, though, that I do feel quite overwhelmed with all the (5) books you’ve already sent me so far. I cannot keep up with reading them at the rate you keep offering them (with deadlines!) and shipping them to me! Also, I feel overwhelmed by there now being several websites in addition to the books, and when and how I’m supposed to interact with them. On this website I saw a popup introducing me to mentor Steve and referring to a “Speak with your Mentor” section. A simple Ctrl+F search finds no such section on any of the pages I’ve searched. I’ve read other students’ comments, some asking questions, but I have not seen anyone answer them. So there’s probably no use in asking a question here, such as where is the best place to interact with my mentor and ask questions?
So I shall continue collecting snippets and pieces of knowledge and integrating them into my Super Puzzle, watching the picture unfold. Thank you.