eyeopener level 7 meeting
Mr. Hamilton, the creative cycle you spoke of in the meeting was very valueable to me. It amazed me to hear you say you turned down money offers pertaing to your Neothink knowledge. I was surprise to hear you say money shouln’t come first, the goal is first. Money will take care of it’s self. The religion part was touching to me as my faith helped me cope with my ugly past. I realized while you were talking; my faith was a constant reminder of my past. I know now that Neothink knowledge is what made all this changes in my life for the better. I have lost 58 lbs since Neothink came into my life. I can actually say right now I know where I want to be and I love my new life now. I learned about certain things in the bible that was not taught to me in catholic school. I liked what you said about relationships and universal love. I want to know more about discovering and releasing the secret in my heart. I like my Neothink life now. It’ wonderful to be alive! I know for certain now I did the right thing to follow Neothink and I am humble to say how proud I am to be a Neothink member. You made me understand how rhetoric love was taught to me by my religion. Listening to level 7 meeting made me feel like a whole new person. Thank you, Mr. Hamilton for bringing the child inside me that was desperate to get out. You are one of a kind Genius with alot of abilities. Rosa L.