Level 10

A mentors life for me!

Hi Mark and Rollie, I can’t begin to tell you how fortunate I am to be a member of the Neothink Society. With each and every meeting I get more excited about the new information that I receive and this meeting is no exception. Eliminating false impressions is very important in our society of pure honesty. When I joined, by purchasing The Miss Annabel Story, the line of logic led me to believe that this wouldn’t happen over night. That includes the money part. I always believed that anything worth having was worth working for and if you give a great product or service the money will be there. Once we achieve the creation driven life the greatness of product and /or service will be there and so will the money. This is one of the reasons I went further into the society by purchasing my Second Heirloom. I don’t believe in get rich quick scams. This beautiful society of ours is no scam. So, thanks for letting us know about the situations that you had with having to let an apprentice go. If I was asked a question along those lines It might have taken me back as my impression was totally contrarian on that topic. I continue on with my Jack London like Mini-day. I am in the process of refining my testimonial and my introduction meeting. I am moving forward on writing my first six Workshop meetings and have developed an outline for what I think will lead to an exciting and stimulating line of Clubhouse meetings. Along with my writing I and reading and studying The Prime Cure and have The Prime Discovery in my possession for later. It seems as though my time line was a little different than that of some other society members. I now own seven pieces of your brilliant literature , and received them all in less than eighteen months. In the meeting you mentioned a more lengthy schedule. This made me feel good because I felt that I had fallen behind on the reading. Man, are you guys bombarding me with literature, keep up the good work! I love the discount prices too. I am, once again, attending the national calls, mostly replays due to my income mini-day(job), and my home states(Michigan) virtual clubhouse meeting twice a month. I am also working to fulfill all of the prerequisites so I can call Mike Ginter and let him know that I would like to start my own clubhouse. I would love to have other Michigan apprentices join me, but if not I will mentor my own A-team. I have started to see puzzle pieces that could cause a future physical “School of Geniuses” to happen too. I build a solid clubhouse,with lots of happy,healthy, value receiving members and with the profits, when the TVP gets the Prime law amendment added to the Constitution, I will buy an existing school when all government assets are sold that do not pertain to protection only. This puzzle may only have four corners now but with a long list of general lectures and neothinking this can become a reality. If all of the A-teams clubhouses are built on the FNE to teach our secrets and to help people, as mine will be, this could be the next step towards biological immortality. Teach the children to neothink from a young age. The only thing that can come out of that last sentence is… genius, genius, genius, genius, genius, genius, etc. Did you guys at the society think of that one yet….probably. I think the pieces will fit together nicely. God-Man darn it we are becoming geniuses. I just visited the doctor and my BMI is over 30, guess who will be the next Neo-eater. I just keep getting fortunater and fortunater. Thanks again, I love you guys. See you in level eleven.