a glimps into the c of u lesson 10
It is now appearing to me. A glimps into the future of what a ulysses like life in the C of U may look like and, offer. Whith our present government structerwebed tinticles poked into every aspect of our dayly lifes, under this controle,right, money-success dose not come easy. However, with using the 10 second miricle, Friday night essence and, the mini day schedual, not making money would be the odd man out. With using these techniques and, others like neothink, of which our founders fathers of this country used, ” Bengerman Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Jaes Madison, George Washington”,creating the founding principles up on wich our country lies, our SOS can create a new society, “The C of U with in it all that we have invisiond., Along with creating a new society, the SOS-C of U can create new space for consciousness to exsist.We can then replicate this vision to others. This is of our expected greates achievments.As SOS menbers can evolve into the Face Of The World website becomng a parallel society of the few to the masses. as the I for intelligence will now stand for intigration.
from the Constitutional Convention in 1787 emerged the U.S constitution supreme law seperating federal and state gov. The federal and, state constitution can not violate the U.S. constitution.Although a beatiful piece of work, one thing was missing, The Prime Law of noe initiatory force. The 12 Vision Party has this law seperating powers of three branches of gov. For absolute power corrupts.decentralized through the division of essence, mini companies within a company having each job with the use of the mind enabling elevation of the job making it more valuable. Three mental movements of protection. The essence meetings making local and, federal of essence tracking reports snapping together neothink pictures . Resulting from power to service base shift. Absolute power corrupts,pay as you use service with no tax collection. No more IRS as once knew it. You can withdraw form gov protection pay as you use service having crime precention not crime follow up. You’ll want to pay for good value creating police force If the movements heads do not do their job, there can be a call for a vote to remove them.