my integrated thoughts
hello Mark Hamilton I want to start off by saying thank you all for having me as a member of the Neo-Think Society. It is a honor I always knew I belonged some where else in life and I most certainly do not follow and have always thought different. with Neo-Think its showing me how to use the thinking and knowledge I already had to flow correctly and freely giving me a sense of relief to know that I’m not crazy, my thinking cant be comprehended by most other adults because of the stagnant way of living and thinking they have been trained to be. The more I read it is also helping me too discover how to get my Billion dollar invention out so that brings me explicit joy and excitement for me and my 7 children. I’m also learning how to look deeper into the Sports industry since having my third heirloom I’m receiving almost all A on my test and grades thank you Mark Hamilton I cant wait too meet you face to face.