Level 01

Level One

Thankyou Mark for the integrated thinking. This is my second secret meeting with you on the first level. I read and reread all the assignments I got from the first meeting. I enjoyed very much what I missed the first time I read the three NeoTech books. I have the fourth one and have not opened it yet, as I am still in review of the first three. I now see more of why I am here. First, I feel I have been a self starter since I was little, raised on a ranch. Survival is the name of the game and you can not do that without being an integrated thinker. I just have not learned how to do it well. I have always had an entrepreneurial spirit. Your thinking intrigues me and I get excited reading the books. I am 75 and still learning, not ready to see our world collapse but to see it mature into integrated thinking. I look forward to the journey. Is that why you chose me?