I LOVE 10! A message for my peers
Hi Everyone,
Everything about this meeting pulls the pieces together. Creation knows, when this happens it will change the world! To allow Everyone the opportunity to become legends is truly a evolution. Thank you Mr. Hamilton and apprentice alum, A-teams, and Leaders for this awesome opportunity and really dope puzzle!
I also want to reflect on my own breakthroughs just in case I can help someone. I have by choice thus far been traveling this journey without to much guidance to this point. Not at the fault of the society just out of habit and my own loner personality. But, with that being said I’ve wasted many years of value creating because of this also. How many opportunities have you to missed because you were scared or shy or felt uneducated because you didn’t have the proper degrees? I’ve missed 100’s at least 100 that I can think of. That’s a combination how many social media pages, web pages, presentations, manuals created, databases managed, technology seminars and 1 on 1 business consultations I gave in my 20’s under another company. They let me get so creative, that they created a title for all my creations, my structuring, my documents, my presentations that are now used in their company world wide… now ask me how much credit I got….zero! Now, ask me how much credit I deserve….zero. That’s right, because I wasn’t bold enough to show the world. By all means please use your social media platforms, your garage, your front yard, your family events, your businesses, your whatever to scream from the roof tops your values, but whatever you do, use the amazing tools that Mr. Hamilton is teaching here to be the blueprint for your creations. Until you can connect with others directly or through clubhouses just keep focusing, keep reading, keep creating, keep getting organized and keep evolving everyone!