Will I understand?
I was in the Navy SEALS for 6 years. I got out and became a truck driver. I thoroughly enjoyed that job. In had an accident in 1995 where I overturned the truck( companys fault) and have been on disability for the remainder of my life. In 2015 I had a motorcycle accident where i was lifeflighted to Shreveport La. from Texas. I was told I died on the helicopter and was broughtr back to life . Six months later Im out of 3 hospitals and havent had a job since 2004. I think my Friday night essence has something to do with either truck driving business or motorcycle business. These are the only two things that I’ve ever been happy at doing. So i wondering how to get the friday night essence started since I haven’t had a job for 18 years. I’m 62 years old now and dont have much to look forward to until I read these manuscripts. I’m hoping for some help in this project. Thank you.