Pay check to Paycheck !
New to the Neo – think Society, but what I’ve read so far is Fantastic, hits base with me, but I must revisit and reread books to fully take in the info about the teachings of Neo-think.
I work construction job Electrician Mechanic (Non-union) for 30 yrs pay check to pay check each week. SLAVE TO THE GRIND, most worker’s I work with are in the same boat, NO matter who/race they are. We are 1-2 paychecks away from being Homeless in the streets under the current Anticivilation that has us in a Rut Job.
I HATE MY MONEY MAKING JOB that pays the bills. But I do know what my Friday Night Essence is, I just need to learn how to make money at it !
I’m not sure I’m doing this right ???