Level 01

Level 1

Hi, I have been just about 300 plus pages of the first book, and I must admit it speaks on or about real -life topics, but I was raised on ownership by my dad he allowed me to become an entrepreneur at the age of 13 which I had a little sundry shop of cookies, candy, ice-cream the like, and again at the age of 21 rebuilding alternators, and starters an auto electric shop. Became a decent mechanic that turn into a certified mechanical journeyman electrician, now at the age of 65 I have more time behind me than in front of me. And when people become my age time is very important, I have a 12-year-old boy and I would love to see at the least 30 more years, but tomorrow is not promised to no one. Do not get me wrong I am not trying to rain on your plan or process, but I am getting the feeling that it is a bit too long.