My Level 1 Integrations.
First, I would like to acknowledge Mark Hamilton for creating NeoThink and NeoThink Secret Society. From a young age, I realized something was terrible wrong in the world. I was been force how to think, feel and act. I wanted to live in a world where I could just keep creating and be a creative child forever. Unfortunately, I was force to live by the rules and regulations that suppresses who I really was. I rebelled against conformity and by the time I was 12 years old lived in half dozens different homes. At 19, I was diagnosed with cancer and told that I had less than three years to lived. I was in the hospital on my death bed and when I decided that this wasn’t the way, I wanted my life to end. I saw a vision of myself living life the way that was most beneficial to my well-being. The old victimized Annmarie died in that hospital and a New Master of her life was born, it was as if I had a new soul. Well, no longer did I listen to outdated beliefs and dogmas, but I did my own thing. Took responsibility for my life. I didn’t believe that we had to die to create heaven on earth.So, I started creating my own heaven on earth by helping others while transforming my life. I saw how most people keep searching for outside authority to tell how to run their lives. So, it’s great to be among Neothinkers, because we are living in a world of conformity and it’s good to be a part of the strong minded. Soon the mass will no longer able to use their minds and the mind is everything. It’s a pleasure to be here, and be a part of the technology that will contribute to creating a bit of heaven on earth. It’s pleasure to be here.