Lesson # 7 Integrations
Not sure where I obtained this but thought I would pass it on to help with the creative cycle.
• Get focused: You need to be laser focused on your goal until you master it.
• Be specific: Your goal should be written and very specific and crystal clear.
• Be compelling: You should have a passion or excitement about this.
• Get the best there is: Coaching, mentors, tools, skills, knowledge, blueprints, strategies, etc.
• Take action: One you are focused and have a plan, you need to follow it.
• Remove the conflicts in your life, such as; not enough time, money, or knowledge, etc.
When you implement these three pillars in everything you do, you will be successful.
The key to my success is: I give back, add value and take action!
The secret to living is giving.
1. CERTAINTY: To feel comfortable and have trust.
2. UNCERTAINTY: You need to feel surprised.
3. SIGNIFICANT: Feeling unique, special, and needed.
4. CONNECTING AND LOVED: Reaching out to touch someone.
5. SPIRITUAL: Need to grow and progress in your life.
6. CONTRIBUTE: You need to give back.
“This course will give you the security that you need to succeed and you will be surprised at how easy this will be to learn these unique and specialized skills that will allow you to grow, connect and give back.”
In Lesson # 6 & 7 you talked about the Meetings content ie: FNE’s, Mini-Day, Etc. but the one area that concerns me is that we all love our children and want to see them get the best education possible. Like to see a session with regards to present education verses the Neothink education of the future. Something that will definitely get people thinking about who we are and how we intend to help them and their future generations. Feel this would also help bring memberships into our Clubhouse Congregations.
To be honest with you in Lesson # 6 I was very surprised that you were even thinking of going with an MLM and I expressed about the ups and downs of same. Been in several over the past 17 years and believe me there are legal problems and battles ie: Destiny, InteleCom Inc. even Prime America had serious problems for canceling other company policies through deceit.
I really like the business approach much better and in the long run, this is the only way to go. If want the MLM, they can go to GIN and progress from there. They still have that opportunity.
These Meetings could easily expand to additional meetings down the line as the group grows within each Clubhouse. 4. Inner Cycle Meeting, 5. School of Genius Meeting, 6. Vintage Meeting, 7. The School for Candidates, 8. Expand The Business Alliance Program, 9. Marriage Consulting Meetings, 10. Health and Wellness Meetings, 11. Educators Meetings, 12, Financial Adviser’s Meetings. Growth Books Etc., just to name a few Business Centers within each Clubhouse.
We need to take the Boy Scout Law approach to this at first: A scout is reverent and he practices his own religion and respects other people’s religions, rights and beliefs, and then, expand on our concerns and reason for those concerns.
In “The Second Insight”, you start out about the Hebrew Bible and I see that as being our best opportunity for Trumping All Other Religions. Don’t know if you have ever visited the CORNERSTONE CHURCH with Pastor John Hagee and his son Mathew Hagee, P>O> Box 1400, san Antonio, TX 78295, 1-800-854-9899, John Hagee Ministries JHM.org
You may want to request a copy of his services for 06/06/2010 John’s #???? Mathew’s #1007 TORAH SECRETS #S-1015. Also, BOOK SECRETS #K475D any CDs are $7.00 and DVDs are $15.00. The Hebrew Bible sees #666 as an Anti-Christ. You will need to make sure that no one sees you as that Anti-Christ. I really believe John Hagee Ministeries and this man’s knowledge can help our cause. Suggest that you might set up a meeting with him and give him some background about your findings. I know he would like nothing better than to Trump the Politians and get the economy back on track. He does not preach like any other Pastor that I have ever heard. He is down to earth and would do anything in his power to help the millions of people in his televised congregation. John and Mathew’s services cover a lot of the same concerns as your hopes for wealth, health and peace. I’m sure you and John could have a mutual value exchange. I’m sure he could also assist you in the writting of next year’s SOS Bible. Mathew’s #1007 will also show you how to see LOVE.
Man concious mind and
Mind and Soul
GOD subconscious mind
As GOD-MAN comes together as One, I would like to think that the MIND, SOUL & BODY also comes together as One.
Extending the FIVE GROWTH CYCLES by slowing down each cycle.
Infant/Pre-School 0- 5 5yrs 10yrs
Youth 5-13 8yrs 16yrs
Teen 13-25 12yrs 24yrs
Middle 25-60 35yrs 70yrs
Senior 60-75 15yrs 30yrs
TOTALS 75yrs 150yrs
This is quite possible, as I said in Lesson #6, OKINAWA and the Coral Reefs are extending life to 130s, 140s and now 150s. Also, there should be a lot less stress as we go forward.
I love everything I see so far. Congratulations on a great start.
Patricia Lewis, and myself, keep each other informed when it comes to politics. I think we need a solid plan that limits long-jeopardy by setting term limits to only two terms in the Senate and Congress. Other areas should also be looked at. No more life time careers.
Concentrating on the Federal and State Governments should be the first priority, then, larger city and county governments next. Finally, towns, but all levels will have to change or those career politicians will shift from one to the other and move the laws with them.
I’ll be working with Ron Gaines in the Local Clubhouse and I told him I would do everything in power to help him get our Clubhouse started, and he gave me a big thanks for the same.
Mark covered a lot of material in Lesson # 7 but I believe I covered the major issues. Trumping Organized Religions and Trumping Career Politicians is going to be our greatest challenges as we move toward the C of U.
Myles Conefrey – Ormond Beach, Florida