Getting closer
Dear Mark,
Thank you for the level 7 meeting. It was extremely brilliant and very informative. I have a much clearer picture of how all of this is going to work. I loved the part about religion. Religion is one of the things that I have struggled with all of my life and am looking forward to showing the people a better way. I think you did the right thing by not going with the MLM approach. Neothink is too important to risk. I back your decision 100%. I also want you to know that it’s not about the money for me. Just like you I am only concerned about love and the evolution of humanity. I’m sorry that you have had to deal with so much drama lately. I feel your pain and am sorry that I haven’t been able to help. I can promise you that you will never have to worry about drama from me. I love, trust and respect you and I have your back no matter what.
I am currently working on my money situation so that I can put money towards our goals and invest in my personal growth. I’m glad that you said it was ok that we wait until tier two before we get involved because I’m not in a position financially or mentally to do what I need to. I have been under a lot of pressure lately and it was good to hear that I can take a minute to breathe and get myself situated. It shouldn’t take long before I’m ready. I am in a really good position to make myself financially abundant, obtain perfect health and raise my conscious high enough that I will break through to god-man once and for all. I am working on a project called three part beings witch explains how to raise the vibration of all three aspects of our being and give people a stronger connection with the ether. I believe that these techniques will eliminate mysticism and negative energy of all forms with little effort. I have also discovered a way for apprentices to make money as well as discover and utilize their FNE’s while bringing people in to the society at the same time. I apologize that I haven’t been as proactive and haven’t made as much progress as I should have. I hope you haven’t given up on me and that you don’t look down on me because of my state of mind. I am trying and I promise with all my heart and soul that I will never give up. I’m only five to ten thousand dollars away from being able to invest in what I need to in order to raise my vibration. When this happens I will spread so much love, wealth and positive energy that the anticivilization will have no choice but to absorb it and accept change. Thanks again for the meeting. You are a true leader and a hero.