Level 01

Already feeling empowered.

Hello Steve and Neothink members. While much of the overall process seems out of reach at this point, the first meeting helped bring into focus how to begin. I am working on mini-day integration and while “power think” is still a long way off, i have started to get flashes of intuition on best next steps and how to create value. I still have to get to the “iron grip” on my schedule and activity that is shared in the texts, and i know that will come with practice. I’m way more excited to go to work now, and have rediscovered some passion for what i do on a daily basis. I received the invite for the level 1 meeting beginning of June. It has taken me over a month to finally sit down and watch all three parts, because the texts and the first part of the meeting have had my mind racing. Absolutely looking forward to the next levels, and continuing to work toward Neathink.