Neothink Clubhouses

My Journey Through The Neothink Society

My journey into the Neothink Society world began about a year ago.  I received a letter in the mail and at first glance, identified it as one of the many “get rich quick schemes” we all have seen.  However, something was so different about this approach that when I started reading it, my normal “throw away” response was bypassed.  I was so surprised by this, it fueled my desire to continue reading despite my usually strong cynicism.  What I did not realize at the time is that I had already started a truly stunning journey.     Before I knew it, I had bought three incredibly large books and found myself reflecting on how I had gotten to this point?  Then I remembered that from the first moment I picked up the first book, I literally could not put it down and had to read more.  Not being a big reader, and that is putting it lightly, I found myself amazed and knew right away I found something I had been looking for all my life.     My journey through the Neothink Society world was a very self-revealing process for me. I found myself coming around full circle.  I am a very want the reward now… find the short cut… yet driven type of person.  Inevitably I found myself reading some very inspiring sections of the first book that opened up my eyes the endless self improvement potential I have inside of me waiting to be released.   I felt the overwhelmed with the desire to put the book down and implement action immediately. I did this and it paid some initial benefits that I became so proud of.      At the time I started reading the amazing secrets, I was struggling with finding a way to achieve three important goals of mine.  The first goal was to move back to my home state to be closer to my family, the second was to move back financially better off, and the third was to be able to buy my first home.  By applying the Neothink techniques I learned in the first book, I soon found myself becoming the #1 salesman in my region, and applying for a position that was two salary grades above my current position in my home State!  Let me just say that for me to get this significant promotion was a stretch.  There were far more experienced salesmen vying for this position, and everything on paper said I was not supposed to get this job.      After passing the three initial interviews, I found out I made it to the final round.  The final interview would be in front of the number 2 and 3 guys in the company, and I would have to give a 30 minute presentation in front of them to get this position.  Upon learning of this awesome task, I immediately thought instead of stressing and building a typical “cookie cutter” presentation that demonstrated how I could sell our products, I should focus on the “ESSENCE,” why I am the best fit for this position.  Well as you may have guessed, I got won the significant promotion, I moved back and am close to my family, and I now own my first, very nice, Condo!      About three months into my new position I found myself becoming stagnant in my success.  It was a whirlwind move to say the least, and the initial adjustment to the new job was intense.  I found myself slipping back, unknowingly, into my own non productive, pre Neothink Society mindset.  Finally one day, I woke up and realized I was stressed out, overwhelmed at my to-do list, and had no social life.  I would be so burnt out that on the weekends I would just come home and sit on the couch, decompress, a dread the upcoming work week.  I finally woke up and realized that I needed to get back to the Neothink Society mindset!  I was so caught up in the initial success that I had stopped my journey and potential to go way beyond what I had achieved to date.     I have re-committed myself to the important readings and lessons of the Neothink Society and have continued my exciting journey.  I began stirring up that unbridled passion you feel in the pit of your stomach when absorbing the teachings of the Neothink Society.  I am now proud to say I am exceeding my current work role expectations, and am on my way to much bigger dreams and aspirations to change the world thanks to the teachings of the Neothink Society.     Upon reflection of this amazing process to date, I find myself puzzled yet focused.  Puzzled, while I think of the endless things I want to accomplish right now, but focused on making them a reality by continuing the exciting journey with the Neothink Society. Thanks Jeff T