Level 1 Integrations
Thank you for this opportunity
Right now i have read both heirloom packages and half of the third. I have been able to set up a mini-day schedule and and am gradually getting better on using it. While i right this sometimes I worry I will say something wrong. I have just received Frank R. Wallace Neo-Teck book today and am looking forward to reading it. I would love to know more about the secret meeting, any active church of god man locations and creating my own club house after i have learned a bit more in the future. I have entered the website and am still trying to navigate it. To give you a better idea about myself I’m used to working long hours at work, and this month i just found out I’m going to be a father. Everything I have read so far is exactly what i wished to achieve as a child, and you just handed it to me on a silver platter. I will continue this journey harder in these next coming months and am looking forward to this year.