721 thoughts on “Secret Meetings Level 2 Comments”
James P Ripplinger July 20 2010 I Am still looking for FNE and 10 second Miracle to happen, but not to anxious about it , have 10 more meeting to go.
I have just finished reading the secret meeting with my mentor, Mark Hamilton,and have thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. my problem is a retention issues. I am deeply interested in the health program you have as I have many physical problems I have encountered throughout my life, and I’m tired of carrying them around. I see in the older comments that others have sent, things that I have not heard about, such as the numbers thing. I have just finished the 3rd secret reading and and I know that I have to get back to the second heirloom to reread the visions. I am anxious to begin, and get going. I have not yet found my FNE or the 10 Second Miracle and I can hardly wait for it to happen. Thank you Mr. Hamelton for being my mentor,
Mary Paiz
It was nice meeting learn more about how Neothink work, but also in the past and now most of the time I think most like Neothink member. I am trying hard find the 10 second miracle and friday night essence. what I know is there is nothing easy in this life, you have do thinking and put in to action in order to work something. at my work I am always find the war to reduce the expenditure and increase the profit but there are some upper management personnal would not approve the ideas or the action I want to take. so I am kind of upset and I am stop doing it now. I just go to work and come home just to secure the job and also going to school to learn more about computer networking and security. I am in the restuarant business as of now I am planing to chenge my whole career to tech. If any members need help on anyway I will be there for any one I like to help people If you want to contact me tyronep.ipi@verizon.net
Hello Mark!
It was eyeopening this lesson too. I realized that I had Ten Second Miracles in my life, but I had no idea what it is, and how to name it. I need to recognize that the numbers never were my “forte”. With this new knoledge everithing is possible! Unpatiently I am looking for the next meeting. I want to learn more and more and more. Thank you and all the best to all of you! Irma.
I enjoyed the lesson and just wanted to leave a comment that I did. I look forward to understanding the number role in my life. The break down of my activities realizing how it effects my mental stability of who and what I am. Already knowing that I don’t think the best about every part of me. Becoming the self-leader that depends on my creativity the ride is a little scary the shift maybe unbelievable realizing my potential after so many years of abuse. But I truly believe in another way a better way that clarity is present.
I have been thinking about the Neo Tech School as education and learning are of interest to me. Here is where I can see the schools of tomorrow helping children to learn with unstructured play and structured principles. With challenges and problems presented, the children could learn autonomy, creative and critical thinking, problem solving, conflict resolution and risk taking in a safe environment. They also could learn self esteem, personal, social, emotional, communication and survival skills without fear of embarrassment, humiliation and frustration. Most children have not been taught to know there are pro and cons to every situation and to analyze the possible outcomes of each situation to come up with the best solution, which is usually common sense. Learning at their own speed and working at their special interests would help them learn quicker and remember for a longer period of time. This would allow them to become integrated thinkers, building picture puzzles and find the common denominator in everything they heard, read and saw. These are some of the basics Miss Annabelle already knew and allowed her students to experience so they became “the best of the best”.
We were going to lose an employee due to money. I came up with an idea. I told administration and it was built into the budget so now we can keep this employee. Also, I have been coming up with ideas for retention of volunteers. It does not involve numbers but seems to being looked at by administration. I am not sure these are 10 Second Miracles as I did not see them in puzzle picures but they seem to be good ideas. The ideas about Immortality and the Neo Tech Party, I was discussing with my Dad and Helen. They are in their 80’s and have no interest in living forever. I would love to live for ages, so must be the difference in our perspectives. Thanks Mark for all the great TOOLS you have given us. Great presentation and look forward to next session.
I am really excited about this meeting. I look forward to seeing where this new knowledge takes me. I was wondering what if there are no numbers involved, and I have decided that if I don’t see the numbers maybe I just have to search for them. I have heard that there are numbers involved in everything. I am not so much into numbers, I’m more into words. I have had several moments similar to the 10 sec. miracle by just thinking of every possible outcome and looking for all possibilities. My problem is that people have always wrote me off. They have considered me a push over, even when my idea is better, they won’t use it. No one wants to hear it from me. I guess thats my cue that I need to find ways to use my own ideas instead of giving them to others to use. As said in the literature, I need to become a self-leader.
Discovering your FNE is a Ten Second Miracle that leads to Money Making Mini Days. I have elevated my FNE into Money Making Mini Days which will allow me to elevate our values and in preparation of the Nex.Level Vision. I have organized the as instructed by Mr. Hamilton and beginning to enter the Nitty Gritty Stages.
Nex.Level Vision Gulf Coast
Hello everyone I am very excited after finishing the level 2 meeting. I truly hopethis meeting has open the door in you all mind as it has for me. I am definatly looking forward to a month of iorngrip control for thinking in number. I have been intergrating all this great knowledge together building a nver before seen puzzle piture of awsome new knowledge. I cant wait to share that knowlege with you all.
The Ten Second Miracles!!!!
Wow that is what it’s called, the ten second miracles,
I have gottin them befor many of times, but didnt know there was a word for it. there have been times when i have worked for some one, and i would get those ideals,and tryed to get them to do something differnt to make a job easyer and faster, that way they could save money, some times i get people to listen and do it ,and some time i get those people that don’t want to hear it, and want to do it there way. but from now own im going to do what it takes to get people to listen a little more,becouse it makes so much more since.
every since i have startd reading these book and started watching these meeting, and i learned about the FNE, i started thinking what it is that ive always loved doing every since i was a kid that made me happy, and there was two things ive came up with and it’s one Talking, and two robotic,computer programing, and comunicatin,wth radio, tv and so on, so something kept knowing at me about going back to school so i can learn more, so after 20 yrs of being out of school i decited i needed to start back so i can do what i wanted to do, that way i can do it my way… Thank You; Mark
Amoungst some circle of ours and our affilliation(Gin) their is talk of lots of money. I tell you, no matter how much it will never equal the value of the 3 heirloom manuals and the meetings with Mark. Health,the natural state of mind(integration)not nature ruled one,the truth. Money have no choice but to come from that not unless you think money is a bad thing.
that was totally awesome i^m almost like junping from my sit here yyyyyyyyeeeehhaaaaaaaaaaaaa what a rush i feel the juices flowing lol while still in the level 2 lesson a totally great idea of how i can make more money at work just popped into my head, shoot i^m exhilarated now i^m going to chew on this and develop it and then present it to my boss thanks mark
While at work my thoughts reviewed the lesson and story of Mr. Hamiltons first Ten second miracle.I began to contemplate numbers and the struggle for many companies to save money. I looked at the number of persons per staff( engineers management,housekeeping,and security) hired at the building I work and I invisioned intergration not seperate titles or companies but 50% of the people with mode times(housekeeping,management,etc:)I figure train 50% the people on all task needed to run the place and assign mode times where the people is allotted a dressing room with their names on all uniform types(housekeeping,security etc:)this is new to me could possibly be a ten-second miracle, it seems that it may work though with major changes. We all Know that the AC is in need of major change.
Indeed a wonderful lesson. It is good to know that other than our fri-day night essense there’s another path to value creation. Thanks once again Mark and this month will be full of numbers.
This has been a great lesson for me. The ten second miracle reminded me of something an old middle school teacher once told me. He told me that if at the time you dont know the answer to a question that your mind will continue to work on the answer untill later when the answer suddenly comes to you, it may be a day later maybe a week or even years but eventually your mind will naturally give you the answer. The difference is that the ten second miracle intigrates full wide scope thinking into the mix. And without knowing all the aspects of the subject your mind may never be able to put together all of the puzzle pieces. Thank you Mark I now now that without wide scope intigrated thinking answers may never be concieved by the mind.
This was a very interesting meeting I will set my sites on my first Ten Second Miracle
Thankyou! We’re getting there.
I just wanted to let you know ,that you are not alone in this world !! God created man in his image, but man has flaws until he evolves to the next level of consciousness! We are here to value create this life to better this world , then this universe and galaxy and eternity!!! You are now involved in a eternal Family!! We are all here to bring the C of U to this world!! If you ever need help understanding or anyone in that matter needs help I am more than willing to help in what I can !! I am not saying I have the answers to everything because I will be an Apprentice for eternity but I can help in what I can!! My email is mattcarroll45@gmail.com please feel free and get a hold of me!! We are the class in Miss Annabelle story and that is the Map!!
I really enjoyed your dishwashing story. It’s as if intelligence”jumps gaps” that wouldn’t normally be bridged with the most obvious perspectives. This curiousity for the non-obvious can be developed as a skill(in my case a hobby). I have many stories(all true) that illustrate(metaphorically)this journey into the non-obvious perspective;”Keeping Up With The Joneses” Everybody knows the obvious meaning, but in my non-obvious perspective, “keeping up” means having incrementally LESS than Jones, so that Jones doesn’t blow his life savings on silly material goods that he doesn’t really need. Remember I said incrementally less, not so much less that I dishonor his posessions(“I don’t need all that useless stuff”)but not so much that Jones can’t still be “better” and feel like the big man. I of course have secretly created the situation of conserving Jones’s precious comodities of money, effort,and emotion, and that makes ME feel like a big man. As you can see we are both winners, and this is how “universal intelligence” works: The perfect prespective at the perfect time for the perfect reason and everyone wins. An expanding universe knows no other way! All of us are available to the intelligence that pervades the universe, and that intelligence is willing to “jump the gaps” to you.
Thank you Mark,
I enjoyed this lesson very much! I do have a different view of the world now and I finally realize I am responsible for my own Life and creation of it!All I have to do is use the most powerful gift from the unseen ones and fix my world around me so it will effect the coming of The C OF U!!The grass roots have started and the ac is on track becoming the C OF U !!!
Looking forward to future meetings but finding most of this information geared for the working person.Being retired I don’t see myself starting a business to gain wealth.Looking back to the letters and testimonies by members,they made it seem like they were taping into something that we’re not seeing.
After watching this meeting, I realize that I have already experienced the 10-Second Miracles throughout my life. It’s like flashes of ideas that could improve something or create something. The difference is I didn’t carry it through. That means I am closer to Neo-Tech than I even realized. That is awesome! I can hardly wait to see where I go next!
After watching the second meeting I noticed I have had ten second miracles before. I also like what is said about you are what you create. I guess that means that you create your life and you create your future.
My name is Earl G
I’ve been on the web a few times now but this is the first time I’ve really felt ready to leave any comments. I have been going through a very difficult period in my life both financial and personnel for quite some time now and I felt everything was just about ready to a head when I was first contacted back in Oct 2009 by the society. I’ve looked at and tried several things to help the situation over the years without any or very little success. Like several others I was also suspicious at first especially after looking at the pro and con info on the Internet regarding the society as well as Mr. Hamilton and Doc W. After listening to Mr. Hamiton in my first level meeting I went back over vision one through the vision climax in the second heirloom pkg and my real problem became much clearer. My personal problems are just a small part of a much bigger problem now facing America. I think we all realize now that the nation is in trouble and going in the wrong direction and it’s totally due to politics and the politicians we have in office now and in the resent past. I think the more I read and study the material I now have and study ways to improve our national situation the better my personal and financial life will become. thanks!
Dear Mark,
This is good stuff! Although, I am struggling with my FNE, I have a pretty good idea of what it is, I just had no clue how to really bring it about. After reading Mrs. Annabell’s story and listening to the second meeting it has all come me! The 10 Second Mircacle secret has been revealed.
I have a passion for health & healing and wanted for years to get involved in real estate investing. I currently work in the Information Technology Industry. I was a bit discouraged because I felt that I was doing something that didn’t love. But now ~ I realize that it’s not at all by accident. I have a new found desire to succeed in my chosen career, as it will set the the stage for what’s to come. I am looking forward to the next meeting to cover Marketing, because I do believe that will be the key information needed on my journey to success.
I am sick and tired of being sick and tired! It’s time for change!
Thanks again,
Loretta Wilson
Hi Mark,
I jut wanted you to know how much I enjoyed my level two meeting. I have really learned a lot of valuable information. I am still trying to find out what my Friday night essence is. I know that it will take time and I hope that I will find it if I keep listening to the meetings and read the three heirloom packages plus the two books I have by your biological father, Dr. Wallace. I will do my best to think with numbers this month and I will try to think about my job differently. I hope that I will be lucky enough to have ten second miracles occur in my life. Can’t wait until next months meeting.
Mark Hamilton ; Hi FNE is really a good thing if one knows how the puzzle fits together ? Thinking becomes easier and easier these days . I love the empowered thinking . My mind quakes with A newness ; all is lively agin ; once the light turns on you never want it to turn off. Alls good . PAX NEO TECH REALLY INLIGHTENS ONES BEING . THANK YOU Society and Mark . rcmeusforever@yahoo.com
Jeanne’ .P S Can someone help me start a recording business where I can be self
employed .? Then I turn around and help others to once I’m on my feet ???
Hi Mark have not received my next level also I have a new address My name is Earle H. Fletcher Jr. 7614 Country Park Dr. Sacamento Cal.95828 As I have stated earlier I am presently unemploy but find am hoping for a brighter future with the society help
Dear Mark,
I am thrilled listening to level 2 meeting.I am 70 years old and I don’t look my age, I looked young and feel young, thanks to Mom’s good genes. My background is in medical field and real estate investor. At my age I still want to become more successful in life. I really want to discover my FNE as soon as possible. I guess it is harder for me to find my FNE because I dont have a job. Every night I am trying to think of what kind of business I want to set up. I really believed in NETWORK MARKETING and I got involved before and I enjoy helping people but the problem is that most people don’t understand the business and they don’t like to sell.In this economy good network marketing company is the only one making money. Any way I am very interested to discover my FNE and I am focusing on numbers. I know that I will find it soon. Thank you so much for mentoring us. Vrginia Camanyag
I realise that step 2 is a numbers conclusion. However I do not have a job and I am a dis-abled veteran from the u.s.coast guard. I retired in 1988 after serving over 20 years. During that time I learned a lot, however only some of it dealt with numbers and most of the time the people were not interested in them, except moneywise as how to cut corners and do the same amount of work but at a cheaper price. I did this when I was making cabinets for an air station. Another chief showed me how to make beautiful furniture using real wood and glue and nails. The stuff that is put together nowadays is usually cheap and does not last very long. I made a cabinet in 1978 and it is still in my house as if it was made yesterday. My FNE is writing poetry and I am trying to figure out how to use numbers to really get this going to make money. Can someone give me any ideas on how to accomplish this feat?
why don’t more people know about this?
Again thank you Mark Hamilton!
I had to dig deep into my childhood,to find my friday nite essence, It almost made me cry to see how many years that I robbed my self of. As a young child I played with Tonka Trucks building roads and bridges creating values for all of us who played together WOW that was fun. After finishing Miss Annebelle`s secrets it brought back memories of raising my own children and having them ripped out of my life. That`s more pain than anybody should have to endure. But what an outcome in that story, the Love that she gave them in there young age came back to her a thousand fold. The amount of Love in and among that group of people is far beyond this anticivilation,that we live in.
I am looking forward to our next meeting, Thanks again Mr. Hamilton.
Rich Rice!!!
I enjoyed this meeting even more than the 1st. The more I watch the more I know I”m on the right path. THANK YOU for giving me a reason to be excited.
I have really caught a thrill after reading Miss Annabelle’s secrects. It made me cry at certain points in the book. I can really see the world getting to the point of immortality. And I truly agree that we really have to get rid of politics and beaucracy. Then and only then can we be what we were created to be. Our minds are more powerful than we can even imagine. I also believe that there were immortals before and that there are a few still here and it is not time for them to reveal themselves just yet. They are waiting for the masses of the world to rise to the conscience level of being one of them. The 10 second miracle is somewhat confussing to me. When I first heard of the 10 second miracle I thought that it was a type of meditation process. Is there a differant or certain kind of technic to aquire the 10 second miracle.
I can appreciate the value that is being created for all of us who have sought after a new perspective or a renewed faith that there are others who share these common interests. I can relate to the Ten Second Miracle as I tend to see things differently or from a different perspective from the majority of those around me, however I now realized the potential that is possible in snapping the pieces together to see the “big picture”
I have been looking into ways to help individuals reduce their numbers in my call center. I understand how the numbers impact my business more now then I ever did before. By looking at the little things some people do on a call, and having them watch for these call extenders I have been helping them drive their numbers down. I look forward to additional meetings so I can continue to reach my goals.
Hello Fellow Members! I am so excited, after reviewing the level 2 meeting, I realized that I had in fact already been experiencing a few Ten Second Miracles, though i didn’t know them as such! The Neothink Society is a whole new world that I can hardly wait to envelope in its entirety, and to share with my children so they may never have to experience stagnation! Also reviewing some of the comments, I too absolutely passionately enjoy the works of Kevin Trudeau, the thought crossed my mind if he is in fact a member of this society Thank you Mr. Hamilton, I’m striving daily to be my own creation, for that is who I am!!
Can someone help me and where must I go to get an answer?
I did not find my friday night essence yet!
I have listen to this level ten times and counting,still in a routine rut.
Will I ever get it?
I will continue to do that.
The Ten Second Miracle is all about numbers,but I do not have a job.
I did not find my friday night essence.
What can it be?
I did see into the future ai lease five times!
Almost there my friends.
I will review Level 2 again very soon.
well I was at work and I told my boss a way to make things easyer and faster well he just shut me down to me it is the same old story no one wants to listen and I realised how the lord feels everyone knows better than I do and as far as numbers well I see six billion people and yet still I’m alone six days god created the world and rested on the seventh welcome all to my day of rest and when it is over maybe Neo-tech will be ready to rule and ready to eat from the tree of life as it stands I just see death and sorrow in the world today and I’d like to thank you Mr. Hamilton your works give me hope for a better tomorrow even though my life was desided many years ago when I was ten I don’t expect to change but I do expect my world too..Hope lies with you and Neo-tec
I enjoyed the meeting very much, it makes a lot of sense to me, i guess i can say that i have always known about the the Ten-Second Miracle although i didnt know thats what it was called, I always had the feeling or the thought of other ways of do something but i never followed through with the thought. from now on i will.Thank You, Mr. Hamilton
I can tell that Kevin Trudeau “has” encountered YOU at sometime in the past!This month I will look at everything through Numbers. I do think your works are Great! Looking foward, upon meeting people like us,after the 3rd’ meeting! EZ-
I know what ny FNE is and I have started sending them to production companies. I would like to know more on how to use the nos. I want to live forever so I can see what happens to everything and everyone. I dont know if my idea of a movie makes it or not but I am going to try.
I enjoyed the meeting very much, and it does make a lot of sense. I need to go back and watch the video again and maybe again. But I do understand the concept of using numbers with almost any business. I believe I have found my FNE with a internet business, trying to get it off the ground and to make a profit. With the help of my FNE, the TSM, and integrated thinking, I am confident that with enough enthusiasm and focus anything is possible. I will never give up. Nor should anybody else if you want it bad enough. Thanks to all the TVP members, and Thank You, Mr. Hamilton
I really did learn more the more I watch this meeting and think about the material. So fascinating! I feel more energized, the day seems to fly by. Getting more done with better quality at work. Beginning to start thinking about some business ventures. This is starting to become a lot of fun.
I am thrill to reveiw the meeting again. Every time I return to meeting i’m remind about numbers and new ways to create business opportunity with my new home business. The more go back to meeting the better I just feel sorry for those who are not self-leaders.
I am finding that the more involved I become with this material the more it’s opening my mind. This is powerful stuff. I feel younger than I ever have and I’ve always felt younger than my age. This meeting was great. I definately will be back to listen again. I’ve been seeing my start-up business thru numbers and things have started to blossom here of late. It seems almost as though I’ve rediscovered the fountain of youth. I’m going to bed later and rising earlier with substantial energy to substain me throughout the day. I no longer know what stagnation is.
I enjoyed this meeting. I agree to the numbers concept. I’m into music and I sell all my tracks according to how many tracks I use to create the whole, finished track. I truly believe this is one of many of my integrated, value creating gifts God has given me. I love numbers, and I’m currently working on my degree in accounting. I can’t wait until I fully grab hold of the Ten Second Miracle!!!! GOD BLESS ALL OUR MEMBERS!!!!!!!!! STAY FOCUSED!!!!! NEVER LET GO OF YOUR DREAMS!!!!!
James P Ripplinger July 20 2010 I Am still looking for FNE and 10 second Miracle to happen, but not to anxious about it , have 10 more meeting to go.
I have just finished reading the secret meeting with my mentor, Mark Hamilton,and have thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. my problem is a retention issues. I am deeply interested in the health program you have as I have many physical problems I have encountered throughout my life, and I’m tired of carrying them around. I see in the older comments that others have sent, things that I have not heard about, such as the numbers thing. I have just finished the 3rd secret reading and and I know that I have to get back to the second heirloom to reread the visions. I am anxious to begin, and get going. I have not yet found my FNE or the 10 Second Miracle and I can hardly wait for it to happen. Thank you Mr. Hamelton for being my mentor,
Mary Paiz
It was nice meeting learn more about how Neothink work, but also in the past and now most of the time I think most like Neothink member. I am trying hard find the 10 second miracle and friday night essence. what I know is there is nothing easy in this life, you have do thinking and put in to action in order to work something. at my work I am always find the war to reduce the expenditure and increase the profit but there are some upper management personnal would not approve the ideas or the action I want to take. so I am kind of upset and I am stop doing it now. I just go to work and come home just to secure the job and also going to school to learn more about computer networking and security. I am in the restuarant business as of now I am planing to chenge my whole career to tech. If any members need help on anyway I will be there for any one I like to help people If you want to contact me tyronep.ipi@verizon.net
Hello Mark!
It was eyeopening this lesson too. I realized that I had Ten Second Miracles in my life, but I had no idea what it is, and how to name it. I need to recognize that the numbers never were my “forte”. With this new knoledge everithing is possible! Unpatiently I am looking for the next meeting. I want to learn more and more and more. Thank you and all the best to all of you! Irma.
I enjoyed the lesson and just wanted to leave a comment that I did. I look forward to understanding the number role in my life. The break down of my activities realizing how it effects my mental stability of who and what I am. Already knowing that I don’t think the best about every part of me. Becoming the self-leader that depends on my creativity the ride is a little scary the shift maybe unbelievable realizing my potential after so many years of abuse. But I truly believe in another way a better way that clarity is present.
I have been thinking about the Neo Tech School as education and learning are of interest to me. Here is where I can see the schools of tomorrow helping children to learn with unstructured play and structured principles. With challenges and problems presented, the children could learn autonomy, creative and critical thinking, problem solving, conflict resolution and risk taking in a safe environment. They also could learn self esteem, personal, social, emotional, communication and survival skills without fear of embarrassment, humiliation and frustration. Most children have not been taught to know there are pro and cons to every situation and to analyze the possible outcomes of each situation to come up with the best solution, which is usually common sense. Learning at their own speed and working at their special interests would help them learn quicker and remember for a longer period of time. This would allow them to become integrated thinkers, building picture puzzles and find the common denominator in everything they heard, read and saw. These are some of the basics Miss Annabelle already knew and allowed her students to experience so they became “the best of the best”.
We were going to lose an employee due to money. I came up with an idea. I told administration and it was built into the budget so now we can keep this employee. Also, I have been coming up with ideas for retention of volunteers. It does not involve numbers but seems to being looked at by administration. I am not sure these are 10 Second Miracles as I did not see them in puzzle picures but they seem to be good ideas. The ideas about Immortality and the Neo Tech Party, I was discussing with my Dad and Helen. They are in their 80’s and have no interest in living forever. I would love to live for ages, so must be the difference in our perspectives. Thanks Mark for all the great TOOLS you have given us. Great presentation and look forward to next session.
I am really excited about this meeting. I look forward to seeing where this new knowledge takes me. I was wondering what if there are no numbers involved, and I have decided that if I don’t see the numbers maybe I just have to search for them. I have heard that there are numbers involved in everything. I am not so much into numbers, I’m more into words. I have had several moments similar to the 10 sec. miracle by just thinking of every possible outcome and looking for all possibilities. My problem is that people have always wrote me off. They have considered me a push over, even when my idea is better, they won’t use it. No one wants to hear it from me. I guess thats my cue that I need to find ways to use my own ideas instead of giving them to others to use. As said in the literature, I need to become a self-leader.
Discovering your FNE is a Ten Second Miracle that leads to Money Making Mini Days. I have elevated my FNE into Money Making Mini Days which will allow me to elevate our values and in preparation of the Nex.Level Vision. I have organized the as instructed by Mr. Hamilton and beginning to enter the Nitty Gritty Stages.
Nex.Level Vision Gulf Coast
Hello everyone I am very excited after finishing the level 2 meeting. I truly hopethis meeting has open the door in you all mind as it has for me. I am definatly looking forward to a month of iorngrip control for thinking in number. I have been intergrating all this great knowledge together building a nver before seen puzzle piture of awsome new knowledge. I cant wait to share that knowlege with you all.
The Ten Second Miracles!!!!
Wow that is what it’s called, the ten second miracles,
I have gottin them befor many of times, but didnt know there was a word for it. there have been times when i have worked for some one, and i would get those ideals,and tryed to get them to do something differnt to make a job easyer and faster, that way they could save money, some times i get people to listen and do it ,and some time i get those people that don’t want to hear it, and want to do it there way. but from now own im going to do what it takes to get people to listen a little more,becouse it makes so much more since.
every since i have startd reading these book and started watching these meeting, and i learned about the FNE, i started thinking what it is that ive always loved doing every since i was a kid that made me happy, and there was two things ive came up with and it’s one Talking, and two robotic,computer programing, and comunicatin,wth radio, tv and so on, so something kept knowing at me about going back to school so i can learn more, so after 20 yrs of being out of school i decited i needed to start back so i can do what i wanted to do, that way i can do it my way… Thank You; Mark
Amoungst some circle of ours and our affilliation(Gin) their is talk of lots of money. I tell you, no matter how much it will never equal the value of the 3 heirloom manuals and the meetings with Mark. Health,the natural state of mind(integration)not nature ruled one,the truth. Money have no choice but to come from that not unless you think money is a bad thing.
that was totally awesome i^m almost like junping from my sit here yyyyyyyyeeeehhaaaaaaaaaaaaa what a rush i feel the juices flowing lol while still in the level 2 lesson a totally great idea of how i can make more money at work just popped into my head, shoot i^m exhilarated now i^m going to chew on this and develop it and then present it to my boss thanks mark
While at work my thoughts reviewed the lesson and story of Mr. Hamiltons first Ten second miracle.I began to contemplate numbers and the struggle for many companies to save money. I looked at the number of persons per staff( engineers management,housekeeping,and security) hired at the building I work and I invisioned intergration not seperate titles or companies but 50% of the people with mode times(housekeeping,management,etc:)I figure train 50% the people on all task needed to run the place and assign mode times where the people is allotted a dressing room with their names on all uniform types(housekeeping,security etc:)this is new to me could possibly be a ten-second miracle, it seems that it may work though with major changes. We all Know that the AC is in need of major change.
Indeed a wonderful lesson. It is good to know that other than our fri-day night essense there’s another path to value creation. Thanks once again Mark and this month will be full of numbers.
This has been a great lesson for me. The ten second miracle reminded me of something an old middle school teacher once told me. He told me that if at the time you dont know the answer to a question that your mind will continue to work on the answer untill later when the answer suddenly comes to you, it may be a day later maybe a week or even years but eventually your mind will naturally give you the answer. The difference is that the ten second miracle intigrates full wide scope thinking into the mix. And without knowing all the aspects of the subject your mind may never be able to put together all of the puzzle pieces. Thank you Mark I now now that without wide scope intigrated thinking answers may never be concieved by the mind.
This was a very interesting meeting I will set my sites on my first Ten Second Miracle
Thankyou! We’re getting there.
I just wanted to let you know ,that you are not alone in this world !! God created man in his image, but man has flaws until he evolves to the next level of consciousness! We are here to value create this life to better this world , then this universe and galaxy and eternity!!! You are now involved in a eternal Family!! We are all here to bring the C of U to this world!! If you ever need help understanding or anyone in that matter needs help I am more than willing to help in what I can !! I am not saying I have the answers to everything because I will be an Apprentice for eternity but I can help in what I can!! My email is mattcarroll45@gmail.com please feel free and get a hold of me!! We are the class in Miss Annabelle story and that is the Map!!
I really enjoyed your dishwashing story. It’s as if intelligence”jumps gaps” that wouldn’t normally be bridged with the most obvious perspectives. This curiousity for the non-obvious can be developed as a skill(in my case a hobby). I have many stories(all true) that illustrate(metaphorically)this journey into the non-obvious perspective;”Keeping Up With The Joneses” Everybody knows the obvious meaning, but in my non-obvious perspective, “keeping up” means having incrementally LESS than Jones, so that Jones doesn’t blow his life savings on silly material goods that he doesn’t really need. Remember I said incrementally less, not so much less that I dishonor his posessions(“I don’t need all that useless stuff”)but not so much that Jones can’t still be “better” and feel like the big man. I of course have secretly created the situation of conserving Jones’s precious comodities of money, effort,and emotion, and that makes ME feel like a big man. As you can see we are both winners, and this is how “universal intelligence” works: The perfect prespective at the perfect time for the perfect reason and everyone wins. An expanding universe knows no other way! All of us are available to the intelligence that pervades the universe, and that intelligence is willing to “jump the gaps” to you.
Thank you Mark,
I enjoyed this lesson very much! I do have a different view of the world now and I finally realize I am responsible for my own Life and creation of it!All I have to do is use the most powerful gift from the unseen ones and fix my world around me so it will effect the coming of The C OF U!!The grass roots have started and the ac is on track becoming the C OF U !!!
Looking forward to future meetings but finding most of this information geared for the working person.Being retired I don’t see myself starting a business to gain wealth.Looking back to the letters and testimonies by members,they made it seem like they were taping into something that we’re not seeing.
After watching this meeting, I realize that I have already experienced the 10-Second Miracles throughout my life. It’s like flashes of ideas that could improve something or create something. The difference is I didn’t carry it through. That means I am closer to Neo-Tech than I even realized. That is awesome! I can hardly wait to see where I go next!
After watching the second meeting I noticed I have had ten second miracles before. I also like what is said about you are what you create. I guess that means that you create your life and you create your future.
My name is Earl G
I’ve been on the web a few times now but this is the first time I’ve really felt ready to leave any comments. I have been going through a very difficult period in my life both financial and personnel for quite some time now and I felt everything was just about ready to a head when I was first contacted back in Oct 2009 by the society. I’ve looked at and tried several things to help the situation over the years without any or very little success. Like several others I was also suspicious at first especially after looking at the pro and con info on the Internet regarding the society as well as Mr. Hamilton and Doc W. After listening to Mr. Hamiton in my first level meeting I went back over vision one through the vision climax in the second heirloom pkg and my real problem became much clearer. My personal problems are just a small part of a much bigger problem now facing America. I think we all realize now that the nation is in trouble and going in the wrong direction and it’s totally due to politics and the politicians we have in office now and in the resent past. I think the more I read and study the material I now have and study ways to improve our national situation the better my personal and financial life will become. thanks!
Dear Mark,
This is good stuff! Although, I am struggling with my FNE, I have a pretty good idea of what it is, I just had no clue how to really bring it about. After reading Mrs. Annabell’s story and listening to the second meeting it has all come me! The 10 Second Mircacle secret has been revealed.
I have a passion for health & healing and wanted for years to get involved in real estate investing. I currently work in the Information Technology Industry. I was a bit discouraged because I felt that I was doing something that didn’t love. But now ~ I realize that it’s not at all by accident. I have a new found desire to succeed in my chosen career, as it will set the the stage for what’s to come. I am looking forward to the next meeting to cover Marketing, because I do believe that will be the key information needed on my journey to success.
I am sick and tired of being sick and tired! It’s time for change!
Thanks again,
Loretta Wilson
Hi Mark,
I jut wanted you to know how much I enjoyed my level two meeting. I have really learned a lot of valuable information. I am still trying to find out what my Friday night essence is. I know that it will take time and I hope that I will find it if I keep listening to the meetings and read the three heirloom packages plus the two books I have by your biological father, Dr. Wallace. I will do my best to think with numbers this month and I will try to think about my job differently. I hope that I will be lucky enough to have ten second miracles occur in my life. Can’t wait until next months meeting.
Mark Hamilton ; Hi FNE is really a good thing if one knows how the puzzle fits together ? Thinking becomes easier and easier these days . I love the empowered thinking . My mind quakes with A newness ; all is lively agin ; once the light turns on you never want it to turn off. Alls good . PAX NEO TECH REALLY INLIGHTENS ONES BEING . THANK YOU Society and Mark . rcmeusforever@yahoo.com
Jeanne’ .P S Can someone help me start a recording business where I can be self
employed .? Then I turn around and help others to once I’m on my feet ???
Hi Mark have not received my next level also I have a new address My name is Earle H. Fletcher Jr. 7614 Country Park Dr. Sacamento Cal.95828 As I have stated earlier I am presently unemploy but find am hoping for a brighter future with the society help
Dear Mark,
I am thrilled listening to level 2 meeting.I am 70 years old and I don’t look my age, I looked young and feel young, thanks to Mom’s good genes. My background is in medical field and real estate investor. At my age I still want to become more successful in life. I really want to discover my FNE as soon as possible. I guess it is harder for me to find my FNE because I dont have a job. Every night I am trying to think of what kind of business I want to set up. I really believed in NETWORK MARKETING and I got involved before and I enjoy helping people but the problem is that most people don’t understand the business and they don’t like to sell.In this economy good network marketing company is the only one making money. Any way I am very interested to discover my FNE and I am focusing on numbers. I know that I will find it soon. Thank you so much for mentoring us. Vrginia Camanyag
I realise that step 2 is a numbers conclusion. However I do not have a job and I am a dis-abled veteran from the u.s.coast guard. I retired in 1988 after serving over 20 years. During that time I learned a lot, however only some of it dealt with numbers and most of the time the people were not interested in them, except moneywise as how to cut corners and do the same amount of work but at a cheaper price. I did this when I was making cabinets for an air station. Another chief showed me how to make beautiful furniture using real wood and glue and nails. The stuff that is put together nowadays is usually cheap and does not last very long. I made a cabinet in 1978 and it is still in my house as if it was made yesterday. My FNE is writing poetry and I am trying to figure out how to use numbers to really get this going to make money. Can someone give me any ideas on how to accomplish this feat?
why don’t more people know about this?
Again thank you Mark Hamilton!
I had to dig deep into my childhood,to find my friday nite essence, It almost made me cry to see how many years that I robbed my self of. As a young child I played with Tonka Trucks building roads and bridges creating values for all of us who played together WOW that was fun. After finishing Miss Annebelle`s secrets it brought back memories of raising my own children and having them ripped out of my life. That`s more pain than anybody should have to endure. But what an outcome in that story, the Love that she gave them in there young age came back to her a thousand fold. The amount of Love in and among that group of people is far beyond this anticivilation,that we live in.
I am looking forward to our next meeting, Thanks again Mr. Hamilton.
Rich Rice!!!
I enjoyed this meeting even more than the 1st. The more I watch the more I know I”m on the right path. THANK YOU for giving me a reason to be excited.
I have really caught a thrill after reading Miss Annabelle’s secrects. It made me cry at certain points in the book. I can really see the world getting to the point of immortality. And I truly agree that we really have to get rid of politics and beaucracy. Then and only then can we be what we were created to be. Our minds are more powerful than we can even imagine. I also believe that there were immortals before and that there are a few still here and it is not time for them to reveal themselves just yet. They are waiting for the masses of the world to rise to the conscience level of being one of them. The 10 second miracle is somewhat confussing to me. When I first heard of the 10 second miracle I thought that it was a type of meditation process. Is there a differant or certain kind of technic to aquire the 10 second miracle.
I can appreciate the value that is being created for all of us who have sought after a new perspective or a renewed faith that there are others who share these common interests. I can relate to the Ten Second Miracle as I tend to see things differently or from a different perspective from the majority of those around me, however I now realized the potential that is possible in snapping the pieces together to see the “big picture”
I have been looking into ways to help individuals reduce their numbers in my call center. I understand how the numbers impact my business more now then I ever did before. By looking at the little things some people do on a call, and having them watch for these call extenders I have been helping them drive their numbers down. I look forward to additional meetings so I can continue to reach my goals.
Hello Fellow Members! I am so excited, after reviewing the level 2 meeting, I realized that I had in fact already been experiencing a few Ten Second Miracles, though i didn’t know them as such! The Neothink Society is a whole new world that I can hardly wait to envelope in its entirety, and to share with my children so they may never have to experience stagnation! Also reviewing some of the comments, I too absolutely passionately enjoy the works of Kevin Trudeau, the thought crossed my mind if he is in fact a member of this society Thank you Mr. Hamilton, I’m striving daily to be my own creation, for that is who I am!!
Can someone help me and where must I go to get an answer?
I did not find my friday night essence yet!
I have listen to this level ten times and counting,still in a routine rut.
Will I ever get it?
I will continue to do that.
The Ten Second Miracle is all about numbers,but I do not have a job.
I did not find my friday night essence.
What can it be?
I did see into the future ai lease five times!
Almost there my friends.
I will review Level 2 again very soon.
well I was at work and I told my boss a way to make things easyer and faster well he just shut me down to me it is the same old story no one wants to listen and I realised how the lord feels everyone knows better than I do and as far as numbers well I see six billion people and yet still I’m alone six days god created the world and rested on the seventh welcome all to my day of rest and when it is over maybe Neo-tech will be ready to rule and ready to eat from the tree of life as it stands I just see death and sorrow in the world today and I’d like to thank you Mr. Hamilton your works give me hope for a better tomorrow even though my life was desided many years ago when I was ten I don’t expect to change but I do expect my world too..Hope lies with you and Neo-tec
I enjoyed the meeting very much, it makes a lot of sense to me, i guess i can say that i have always known about the the Ten-Second Miracle although i didnt know thats what it was called, I always had the feeling or the thought of other ways of do something but i never followed through with the thought. from now on i will.Thank You, Mr. Hamilton
I can tell that Kevin Trudeau “has” encountered YOU at sometime in the past!This month I will look at everything through Numbers. I do think your works are Great! Looking foward, upon meeting people like us,after the 3rd’ meeting! EZ-
I know what ny FNE is and I have started sending them to production companies. I would like to know more on how to use the nos. I want to live forever so I can see what happens to everything and everyone. I dont know if my idea of a movie makes it or not but I am going to try.
I enjoyed the meeting very much, and it does make a lot of sense. I need to go back and watch the video again and maybe again. But I do understand the concept of using numbers with almost any business. I believe I have found my FNE with a internet business, trying to get it off the ground and to make a profit. With the help of my FNE, the TSM, and integrated thinking, I am confident that with enough enthusiasm and focus anything is possible. I will never give up. Nor should anybody else if you want it bad enough. Thanks to all the TVP members, and Thank You, Mr. Hamilton
I really did learn more the more I watch this meeting and think about the material. So fascinating! I feel more energized, the day seems to fly by. Getting more done with better quality at work. Beginning to start thinking about some business ventures. This is starting to become a lot of fun.
I am thrill to reveiw the meeting again. Every time I return to meeting i’m remind about numbers and new ways to create business opportunity with my new home business. The more go back to meeting the better I just feel sorry for those who are not self-leaders.
I am finding that the more involved I become with this material the more it’s opening my mind. This is powerful stuff. I feel younger than I ever have and I’ve always felt younger than my age. This meeting was great. I definately will be back to listen again. I’ve been seeing my start-up business thru numbers and things have started to blossom here of late. It seems almost as though I’ve rediscovered the fountain of youth. I’m going to bed later and rising earlier with substantial energy to substain me throughout the day. I no longer know what stagnation is.
I enjoyed this meeting. I agree to the numbers concept. I’m into music and I sell all my tracks according to how many tracks I use to create the whole, finished track. I truly believe this is one of many of my integrated, value creating gifts God has given me. I love numbers, and I’m currently working on my degree in accounting. I can’t wait until I fully grab hold of the Ten Second Miracle!!!! GOD BLESS ALL OUR MEMBERS!!!!!!!!! STAY FOCUSED!!!!! NEVER LET GO OF YOUR DREAMS!!!!!