i am fascinated by your books and honored to be in your group. i have a few questions before i continue. First. how often may we attend the meetings? Are the phone meetings only for the night you suggested (Thursday)? Finally. is there a phone number for Amazing Publications, or is the number for billing appropriate to register concerns. I was offered a business by someone I admire, and I was very excited and ready to start. My check was cashed and I only received a second offer, identical to the first. Well, wanting to receive this offer, very much wanting it, I sent a second check.
In the meantime I ordered what I thought were 6 other businesses, but what I received were 6 papers, almost identical, on positive thinking. which would not bother me, accept,,,I was semi-retired before two major disastersoccured in my life, which have depleted my savings. I suppose I am becoming desperate but happy.
Thanks for listening,
I am intrigued that I was chosen to be in NeoThink and would love to know how that happened…who chose me and why is something I really would like to know.
I was told by mail that I was a person that was chosen to be part of this
society because of what they had learned from studying me over the past years. It seemed to me that they should have known how old I would be and something of my health. I am 86 years of age and I am a cancer survivor twice. The other members who sent me letters kept telling me how wealthy I would get and how happy I would become after I read your manuscripts. and decode them. From my perspective after reading the books that I was sent, It seems to me that you felt that I could start a business of my own or go to work for somone else and get rich working for them. I can’t imagine anyone hiring me to go to work at my age, and in my health. My only income is from social security. I get $1500.00 a month to live on . Im a widow living alone, since 2014 when my husband died.
I’m honored to be with Neotech, I want to be in your science and tech departments. Every thing you say about curing cancer and etc. are already here! You can upload your conscious mind to a computer now, people are doing it now! I want to get involved in the anti-aging program. We will live longer!
My condolences for your loss of your Father, Mark. God bless Dr. Wallace and your family. What a great man! I am certain you will carry on his legacy in a great way. We both feel very fortunate to be in this position to study with you. We will get to be a part of his vision carrying forward, and that is a good thing.
I need to catch up on my reading. Will now get your Father’s book, as you suggest.
We have been caring for our family friend who has been in the hospital since January 9th. Helping with the 3 kids, and animals. We are practicing Buddhist healing and it has been an intense and demanding time. However they are releasing her to go to her mother’s home this Friday. So, with this we should have more focus in our studies and work.
A street mailbox I used to mail my check of $179.95 was broken into and my check was on the ground when the mailman arrived to unload the box. It will be returned to me on the 7th. I need the address to remail it to you.
Leo Plumley
Hi Mr Mark Hamilton , I am still waiting for my third book. I read the first book , I am going to give it to my youngest son James. He is an IT Manager. My older, other son is a Doctor in South Carolina. I am into the second book now. The NEOTHINK are great books. I enjoyed it till the end. I worked many jobs in my life. Of course you know. I have have been to NY to California to Wisconsin back to NY. Regards, Mary R
How can I get in touch with you for a few questions? Pat
I have enjoyed ready the books. Very interesting. Thanks for mentoring me . Received another invitation and thought I was already inroled with you. Looking forward to achieving great things with you
I am glad to finally meet you! The future changes will be positive changes every human’s needs! I am confident with creative solutions to the puzzles that challenge the society, we will have the future we all desire! My hope is is to bring social change,as my dedication to 42 years of sobriety and degrees in Social Work, Early Childhood Education, Art Education/Special Education U understand the developmental and behavioural challenges we will be undertaking. It will be a journey that can be achieved built in a person’s strengths! I am honored you looked me up! Thank you, and happy to meet my mentor!
greatbook. im a member but cany seem to get in so far, dont know to much about computers. willing to learn. wpold likr to get into club houses. they never mailed me the password cobe. my adress is 22840 great trail akeley minn.
I have a stoke. A computer is not good for me.
Mr.Mark Hamilton
Thanks for the books I read them Very interesting
When is the next meeting in my area ?
Thank you.
Hi Mark
I feel in credibly blessed to have you as my mentor,looking forward to
meeting you. I am now retired with lots of spare time on my hands.
You have inspired me immensely,so keep up the good works.
I am 75 years old and currently retired, however, I have been invited to return to work on a part time basis for the next few months.
I have been working in the field of substance abuse and recovery for many years and I myself am actively pursuing a personal recovery program.
I take pride in working with others pursuing their own recovery program and feel gifted in being able to help simplify and provide guidance to others as they break down their own false beliefs that seem to keep them from growing.
I am unclear at this point exactly whit my Friday Night Essence is, however, I do have a great passion with respect to helping others.
I have read the first three Neothink books and have just received the 4th on the secret teachings. I am very interested in learning more and growing in the Neothink Community.
I believe and have felt for quite some time now that I am indeed an immortal being trapped in a mortal environment. I look forward to continued teachings and contact with the Society
How do I get plugged into the 10 second miracle? I can’t seem to get it right! I hope that I can get the vision to see the superpuzzle someday!
Alrite Mark, so I’ve come to another theory.
Neo tech is the future, I saw the book.
I’ve figured out what you read is buried deep beneath the surface.
Inside a computer.main frame.
I’ve used keys before.
But this is a really cool book.
I’ve got 10 books, now.
And I’m an architect,
This has turned out to be extremely valuable.
I don’t honestly know, how to thank you yet.
I’m working hard.
To get @ grip.
Thanks dude.
I’m not really afraid anymore.
I can see so well, what the facts are.
In any given situation.
Way cool…….
Alrite Mark, so I’ve come to another theory.
Neo tech is the future, I saw the book.
I’ve figured out what you read is buried deep beneath the surface.
Inside a computer.main frame.
I’ve used keys before.
But this is a really cool book.
I’ve got 10 books, now.
And I’m an architect,
This has turned out to be extremely valuable.
I don’t honestly know, how to thank you yet.
I’m working hard.
To get @ grip.
Thanks dude.
I’m not really afraid anymore.
I can see so well, what the facts are.
In any given situation.
Way cool
Have not found Fridaynigjt Essence. This seems to be the toughest challenge l have ever undertaken.
I have a tiny handyman business, work mostly by myself. it is 75 percent bicameral labor. I understand and appreciate the mini day schedule
But see little application-do try to bunch calls as much as I can. Have not found FridaynightEssence.
I have read three mark Hamilton books, started the fourth, and ordered the fifth.
This seems to be the biggest challenge I have ever. Undertaken.
hi mark i miss steve phone call,he never call me back,i have a new phone number.I join the neothink and i paid my fee.iforgot my pass word so now i. cannot get on. i Lestion to the calls on the telephon.but hear very little.iam so sad,I sure could use a friend.
I Dont Seem to be doing much better, need to read more i ges i’m a Host Home Provider so cant relly start something bigenney way its verry intrasting stuff. thank you.
I’d like to add since the first letter as “oh yeah, I completely agree with this Mr. Hamilton,” “I’ve had these gifts all along as the center world had changed yes this society needs me. Yep, picking up the many broken pieces of my self yet this puzzle picked it’s self up. Because this is exactly how i hadn’t felt.. The odd thing is that maybe I am inclined of noticing the distractional stuff that isn’t the New sly as things do change Priority an Obligations grew; ” What if you could do something about it?” ” this uff’s are of people now given in forgetting Perhaps there is something to it.
Hello mark,
Just letting you in on some of my vital information.
I’m with the army Stand-To program.
I’m with star trek fan club, wof.
The matrix
Casting 360.
I’m high school valedictorian.
And I’m also an Eagle Scout.
The League , hof.
So I’ve got a lot of stuff to work with.
And the lessons I read, are very helpful.
Thank you for understanding,
And we could use a bit of help around the house.
Basically my , mom just needs to better understand, that it’s going to work.
And we can finally get the ball rolling.
We just need to figure this , and pay attention to the numbers.
I’m a mentor, I can handle this in a mature way.
But my mind has to process the information.
Like one of those epiphany moments.
Well more like helping mom with her eureka moments.
This has been a difficult time.
But I’ve read my manual like 5 times.
So I believe in this , with full conviction.
And sometimes it took harsh mediation.
So we need to finalize, and utilize, a house of godman.
So everyone is safe and sound.
I’m listening to my zon.
And being helpful.
And I see this will work to all our advantages.
I understand it takes time.
So I’m thankful also as well.
So thanks.
Dear Mark:
It was a blessing for me listening to you a month ago. I was typing my comment at the end but, because I am an slow typist -English is not my mother language- the system put me out and couldn’t submit it.
However, I am here and is for me great pleasure. I want to be an active part of this community and be as helpful as I can.
Currently I am preparing myself for a global marketing venture. I recently created CGG Global Marketing LLC and I am studying how to implement my website that is still not built.
I belief that in a not far away future I can have some of the fellow in this community to join me and together put things out. There will be a lot of work to do and share for our benefit and for the benefit of this planet.
Love to be here.
Love you Mark, too
Hello mark, I see a lot of great stuff in your future.
Remember this number.
I strive to do my best.
Dear Mark,
I feel incredibly blessed to have you as a mentor. I am busy getting everything read so I’ll be ready to meet you and attend the first meeting. I am now retired. I am at a crossroad in my life and looking to make a difference.
I consider myself extremely lucky!
I’m at an all time high, being 33rd degree knights of Columbus.
I’m also an elks lodge member, with beginning, and running with no less than 21st to 23 rd degree fellows.
I just want to make sure I get a reply from Estella, before I put on my fedora, and March in 5here with Guns blazing.
5 home based business, opportunity’s.
I’m dead and broke, I gota do something, before this goes south, too fast.
Mark, this is A question I just started pondering.
Look I work tax free, I’m using a certificate voucher program.
But because I’ve completed so much work.
And I’m just now using my vouchers.
From the successful employers.
I need to see if I can.
Go to th3 secret P.O. box # I have at a lodge.
To process my sales receipts.
Using the 144 advantages.
I have just restarted my success story.
And need to start with step 1.
I’m basically completely retired with my contracts.
Got a Montgomery,GI bill.credit set, with key card.
And vouchers for a whole arsenal.of weaponry, but I Medal very effectively.
And the three steel reserves.for retirement.
Everything is finite, with my letters of reprimand.
And have been for a long time.
I’m starting to venture.
So I can do the 409.
And begin cycle seven.
I’m getting to my ceo aptitude.
My sister just passed away, she’s from Germany.
I need to bring her around to remember the way she was.
By hearts broken she’s gone.
It was my job to step out, into life and find her.
So I need to start soul searching.
I’m in a freakin aviary all the time, or rather a terrarium.
But I’ve earned about 10 badges in my time.
So I need to wake you up.
And see your adept knowledge at work.
See what I can get started.
God bless this holy place.
And business is great.
I’m pagan, Pentecostal, non denomination.
Basically atheist.
But feeling agnostic.
I bet my sisters alrite.
She’s always had hope.
As ai said, she’s born in Mannheim
Mr. Hamilton this is Mason J. signing on I have been studying the 12 Visions, and seeing how to build a political party , believe me it could be a powerful party where every one could get the opportunity to be very wealthy the key is to get people out of their stagnant life, and see how they could help themselves out of life rut that keeps them from prospering, people has to want positive change in their life and recognize that you can be a success with just a little help. Life is about choices but you must set some goals, start putting the puzzle together, apiece at a time. Get a vision of the final piece of the puzzle, write your vision down look at it every day to keep you inspired and the key is don’t look back, keep on marching to your high calling. I also am in the start of the fifth level working each step. going back and even reading about Friday night Essence, and in the process of designing my project, and trying to do drafting of my project, and determining the kind of plastic that would be strong enough to build my project, and the cheapest way to build it. also needs to build a web sight to advertise my product. As you can see Mr. Hamilton I am very busy also am recruiting men to work with me on the project. I am excited to get all the pieces of the puzzles to together. I will try to see and meet other people in the Neothink Society. Thanks for your help and guidance. Mason J.
Mr. Hamilton I have been in the hospital for 10 days almost died and now am having trouble with my Liver, colon, and appendix. But even through all I have been through I am on level four, and people are coming in to help build my company. I am still woking on the right material to build my product. I am working on getting all the pieces of the puzzle together. I am still on different parts all at ounce. I have not been able to set on any of the televised teaching. I will try I may be headed back to the hospital, depending on how my system holds up. Mr.Hamilton will be in contact still enjoying the challenge. Mason J.
Mr. (MH) Neothink I apologize for the silence. I am going through a large change in my life since I had to retire. I have three major projects under way. One is three quarter finished two are half done, three more are barely started. All are waiting for money to finish. Bad part is I have invested just about all I have. This is a business I was planning in 2007 for after retiring. During the 2008-2009 recession I put a hold on every thing. Well it takes forever to regain the momentum from the hold to restart. The labor and parts prices have risen at least triple. Needless to say I have again come to a stop. I am looking for a job. The Prime Law and Twelve Vision Movement is still the best this Blue Jewel has ever heard and seen, in history or future. Love to all.
Hi Mark! I am anxious to receive your most recent manuscript with the many secrets
on how to turn my financial crisis around so that I can begin contributing to your
Neothink Society. Although I have read about how numerous new members have received large amounts of money, some even into their checking accounts, I have not received a
dime to date, but the bad news has accelerated and yet I still believe in you and your team. I have purchased all of your manuscripts on time despite my accelerating debt. My partner has now lost a daughter, a son, a daughter-in law and her brother.
I lost my son in November as I had mentioned previously. I was hoping that one of our members who had been successful in the stock market .would pass on some scoop! I am anxious to meet you Mark and other members of your team!!
Greetings Mr. Hamilton
I am in the process of developing my prototypes, and am in level three part Two of forbidden revelation. I find myself moving deeper into Neothink, where all the parts are coming together. and I find myself thinking and processing things differently, and different ways of coping with each part of the puzzle, and I start creating more values. I see the common Denominator and how it brings me to a Friday Night Essence, and having fun creating Values, and playing.
Mr. Hamilton I also saw in the comments of all our wonderful members, it would be many people that would be like Mrs. Annabelle’s Class. I will continue working on My project until I complete it, then I can share it with you. Thank You For Your Help. Mason J.
dear mark never has it been easier to become rich and powerfull as I discovered when I went to a thanksgiving dinner with my girlfriends family. all I had to do was carve the ham and by so doing assume the role of host. there is no more powerfull position in life than host. but, easy as it might have been for some people it was far beyond my competence so nobody got any ham. I am reminded of a similar celebration that I attended in the philipines many years ago. my dad had just read a book. it’s title was the peter principle. what was it about asked the host. it says that a man will rise through the ranks of life going higher and higher until he reachs a position for which he is no longer competent and stays in that position. so by failing to rise to the occasion and carve the ham I in effect lost my opportunity to become rich and powerfull and perhaps demonstrated how there will come a time when the ruling class will be eliminated and everyone will live like millionairs. it still bothers me to know my level of incompetence is that of host. that doesn’t mean I’m not a host. that just means i’m an incompetent host
I have a favor to ask. Can I start my Secret Meetings in April? I just retired at yearend 2017. Besides a lot of distractions in getting organized, my wife and I will be leaving March 6, 2018 for a 15-night Panama Canal cruise plus visiting relatives in Florida following the cuise. I plan to spend a lot of time catching up on my reading in preparation for the Secret Meegings.
I’m hoping the two month delay in starting the Secret Meetings can be accommodated. Thank you for your help with this delay.
James Abney
Greetings Mr. Hamilton,
Thank you, I am grateful for the confidence you have by selecting me to be a member. I am in a position at my company where I can,t make decisions and be successful at my assignments. I’m definitely in a rut. I am half way through my third air-loom book. I love the stock market and have some investments, I want to do this on a daily basis. No matter what I am doing I always read or look at something involving the stocks or a investment newsletter. I gladly accept this mission responsibly and look forward to learning and growing and becoming a true value creator. This anti-civilization, with its control and biases and injustice to mankind has no use in my world. Thank you sincerely
Mark I observed through comments to you that I am not the only new Neothink
member who is in debt as I believe you also were in financial straits at one time.
Is there a path that those of us who are struggling financially can take to expedite
improving our debt picture? All of us have read about experiencing financial
success and the feeling of power and confidence that it brings. I am likely not the only member who has experienced a divorce. Looking forward to your thoughts, Thank
you. Schuyler A.
Hello ,Mark Hamilton,Thank You For Being My Mentor.
I Really Do Have A Desire To Help People
With Transportation & Housing Needs
I love Making Jewelry, & Creating Paper Crafts No one Has Ever Been Able To Duplicate.
Could These Two Crafts Be Considered
As Value Creation?
I Also Have A Real Passion For Recycling Trash (Literally Speaking)
Into Useable HouseHold Goods.
hi mentor , just want to know when are we inspecting level four?
I can help people find their Friday Night Essence AND then steer them with Ten Second Miracles—I’ve had visions of creative futures my entire adult life… The only thing: I am in debt and do not have the monthly money to join your social club. I stand at your service, however, and will help people “find and innovate” if you seek me out.
I am a retired military navy and army service member. Looking for a way to make money to support my family and my grand kids so they could live a better life.Thank you Mark.
Mr. Hamilton I have thought about, what I would share with you for the last three days. I am a 67 year old male that has been a minister for 42 years, I have preached the gospel all over the world. I was in the Army for 22 years, I was a Green Beret in Viet Nam with the 101st Airborne Div. And was in Desert Storm in 1991, as a staff Psychologist on the Front Lines with the C co. third Armor Div. 7th Corp. Mr. Hamilton as I studied Your Books. I could relate to a lot of life experiences that I have had throughout my life. It was Mrs. Virginia Colson, my 5th grade teacher, was my Mrs. Annabelle, she was the first person in my life that believed in me, and she taught me to believe in me and that I could succeed in any thing I put my mind to. Mr. Hamilton my life has not been an easy one I was adopted when I was 5 years old to an alcoholic Mother that put me through Hell. I learned the hard way to survive. I learned very early in my life to set short range goals, and worked each step to accomplish my long range goals until my goal was completed. I was putting puzzle pieces together without even knowing it, until I completed the Master puzzle. All my life I learned all the basic parts or nitty gritty of any thing or job that I happened to be doing. I have always liked a challenge, and was never satisfied with the stagnant way of doing something. I learned very early in my life that a rut is a grave with both ends knocked out. I learned to value people very early in my Ministry and my life. Dealing with people in the counseling field and the ministry is a great test in dealing with people on all levels. Mr. Hamilton I have still have much to learn about business, and I promise You, my Goal is to be the best value producer and money maker that I can ever be. I believe with your guidance and instruction I will soar to levels I have never known. Mr. Hamilton I look forward to setting down with you sometime and talking with you in some of our meetings. Thanks For Listening. Mason B. J.
hi mr hamilton sir i am studing my3of3neothink books and i also have my prime cure also .thank you sir and your family god bless you all for this gift neothink save my life sir.all these years i still have that kid in me. he guest got wiser sir.and i will make you very very proud of me and the other members also.sir iunderstand it a lot. sir neothink theroy its in my heart and i truely beleave with your help and other
members in the society i will put value happness and independance back in socity bring back the jobs and ihave projects in my head for years and years to help children with cancer and there familys and intercitys kids all around the world and the senoirhomes and my baby my dream loveminds bookends theory i have it in my mimi days also in my fridaynights and also in my divising of labor and studing moneymakingsystem andfreedom parmdigm and the 3 three insights there our components in my heart and soul thats my gift to you metor and to the other members d if i make it there with you all god welling bernard. t ar s gobs or
h . of
Mr Mark Hamilton,
My name is Bernard T. I love Neothink. Sir, I want first
to say thank you and the other leading members for believing in me. Sir I do understand some of the theories of your manuscripts. What I am trying to say is that I feel inside of me I do have these hidden traits and potential that you and your leading members say I do.
I’m going through my conference calls and meetings. I’m starting to find out where my club houses locations are.
My ways to make employement
Nascar pitcrew, driver
Radio station dj, vj.
United States postal service
EPA certified
Hov express lane
Hello mark,
It’s christopher jenkins.
I’d just like to apoligize, since I haven’t been able to reach the site.
I’ve been in a byte of confusion.
I’m getting everything sorted out.
I’d like to formally introduce myself, and the progress I’ve made since last time.
Which has been absolutely phenomenal.
Let’s start by saying, I graduated Richland high school in honors class, so my secret name is actually in 12 forms.
But joe baker, is my high school name, I ran cross country, first aid, musician, theatre, rotc Air Force, and honor Guard.
There’s an article, in there everyone can access.
I’m the school valedictorian.
I’m a member actively in whiz quiz,
I’m in the Latin chess and debate club.
And president of the chess club.
I’m in uil science,
And uil numbersence.
Member of the national honor society
And enrolled in all the honor classes my schedule could hold.
I’m an American Airlines scholar.
And Texas state boys delegate.
The highest awards I recived besides valedictorian,
Was the national merit finalist.
I came in first in the senior class, with a numerical average of 110.95.
Planned on attending university of Texas,
For a bachelor on arts.
And go back to study law, at either Texas or Stanford.
I joined the air Force after that.
And basically learned first of all about back stage passes.
I have like 14.
It’s similar to a
Ensign,1st lieutenate, 2nd Lieutenate, cadet, and recruit.
I needed to get the membership.
But got very lost after my boot camp.
I got my astronaut badge,
I mentioned I earned the Air Force in another letter.
That’s how I got this membership.
I also got a halo badge,
It’s like 5 Rolex’s,
6 black belt titles.
4 trophy’s for the Nextel racing cup.
6 Olympic medals
6 World Series poker awards.
3 horse racing trophy’s
3 super bowl rings
2 World Series baseball rings and 2 trophy’s.
And 3 nba champion rings.but 1 win.
Nascar rings 2.
(3 psychology rings.
Physchlogy at Christian academy.
Psychology at Thur good Marshall .
And psychology at family institute.)
So it all added up to jostins graduation gifts,
And I absorbed the benifits.
I’m developing…
Staying in shape is tough, but I’m more lucid than I was.
I’ve got some developmental disabilities.
But it’s looks as though the casinos might be profitable.
Speech deficit – craps
Language barrier – lottery
Learning disability- bingo
Attention deficit and disorder – poker
Schizoaffective- slot machines
Bipolar- roulette
Depressive- billiards
Degenerative- darts
Dereliction of duty disorder.- scratch offs.
I’m not really to blame for the response I get from outher people.
It’s due to war zones, and their is a lot of said…
Spying and espionage.
It gets very serious.
I think it’s because I needed a support system.
I’ve tried everything…
Even buying an insurance police, for my favorite girl friend Victoria Underwood .
I haven’t seen her in probably 25 years.
But I have basically nobody else I’d rather give it too.
I accidentally got insurance for my mom,
And it was term life, and whole life.
Which did not even work rite.
At some of my funerals, I saw my love Victoria.
She’s like an angel from heaven.
I got to kiss her and it’s like we were married.
I couldn’t think of a better girl
Than my Victoria’s Secret model.
Anyway, she’s way outa my league.
And has always been in the Star Trek fan club.
So she’s more smart than myself I think.
I couldn’t be more thankful.
Look I like Superman, Star Wars, and the military.
Which is like the seven wonders of the world.
Or West Point.
It’s summed up to the cross country embroidery I got.
Which is nasa phone communication.
We’re going places my friend…
But I gotta get working, without making a disturbance.
I got like 35 trillion dollars, in transports.
And major narcotics shipments.
Ex centinals.
I’ve got two centennial awards.
I’m just trying to be respectful.
I mean I don’t want to be president of the United States dude.
Like Washington or Kennedy, or Martin Luther king.
Heck I’m so stiff from war.
I’m barely standing, I know when I leave my house,
There’s a target on my head.
Because they want to raid my warehouse.
I’m in a lot of terminals.
I’m just getting my papers in order.
Don’t worry I haven’t, stated any thing here.
It’s a basic run up, of good deeds.
I got good people looking out for me.
And I’d lik3 to be more supportive.
It just takes a lot of skill to have successful negotiations.
Since, life is only what you make of it.
And you can be anything you need to be in life.
I just feel really drained.
I think I over exerted myself jousting cars.
Cheers mark.
If you have any thing to add, just let me hear it.
I’m here to help if I can…
I’m excited to read and receive enlightenment regarding the contents that continues to open doors of opportunity for me to be the person I was meant to be by focusing on playing as an adult, opening to my opportunities found in my Friday night essense. By discovering value creation in regards to something held delivers to me the importance of worth and usefulness. I see clearly principle, standards of behavior and ones judgement of what is truly important in life.
so glad to know that life should be better than where i am now . a job well done mark thanks so so much. looking forward for more uplifting ideas from you to help me please
I have read or should say absorbed, gravitated, infuse, ingested the contents of your writings because these aren’t words to merely read but to let the meat of the words be a part your being. Consciousness, not all this other stuff of super, cosmic, divine but plain old consciousness being invented in yourself is so supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. I have not had a routine rut job since 1988 and started studying in my first of three secret schools in 1975 and nothing I been a part of can come close to Neothink, sir. Mr. Mark Hamilton, Michael Dean is 220% into what you are expressing in your books of showing us who we truly are and why we must be committed to NEOTHINK!
hello Mark,
i am fascinated by your books and honored to be in your group. i have a few questions before i continue. First. how often may we attend the meetings? Are the phone meetings only for the night you suggested (Thursday)? Finally. is there a phone number for Amazing Publications, or is the number for billing appropriate to register concerns. I was offered a business by someone I admire, and I was very excited and ready to start. My check was cashed and I only received a second offer, identical to the first. Well, wanting to receive this offer, very much wanting it, I sent a second check.
In the meantime I ordered what I thought were 6 other businesses, but what I received were 6 papers, almost identical, on positive thinking. which would not bother me, accept,,,I was semi-retired before two major disastersoccured in my life, which have depleted my savings. I suppose I am becoming desperate but happy.
Thanks for listening,
I am intrigued that I was chosen to be in NeoThink and would love to know how that happened…who chose me and why is something I really would like to know.
I was told by mail that I was a person that was chosen to be part of this
society because of what they had learned from studying me over the past years. It seemed to me that they should have known how old I would be and something of my health. I am 86 years of age and I am a cancer survivor twice. The other members who sent me letters kept telling me how wealthy I would get and how happy I would become after I read your manuscripts. and decode them. From my perspective after reading the books that I was sent, It seems to me that you felt that I could start a business of my own or go to work for somone else and get rich working for them. I can’t imagine anyone hiring me to go to work at my age, and in my health. My only income is from social security. I get $1500.00 a month to live on . Im a widow living alone, since 2014 when my husband died.
I’m honored to be with Neotech, I want to be in your science and tech departments. Every thing you say about curing cancer and etc. are already here! You can upload your conscious mind to a computer now, people are doing it now! I want to get involved in the anti-aging program. We will live longer!
My condolences for your loss of your Father, Mark. God bless Dr. Wallace and your family. What a great man! I am certain you will carry on his legacy in a great way. We both feel very fortunate to be in this position to study with you. We will get to be a part of his vision carrying forward, and that is a good thing.
I need to catch up on my reading. Will now get your Father’s book, as you suggest.
We have been caring for our family friend who has been in the hospital since January 9th. Helping with the 3 kids, and animals. We are practicing Buddhist healing and it has been an intense and demanding time. However they are releasing her to go to her mother’s home this Friday. So, with this we should have more focus in our studies and work.
A street mailbox I used to mail my check of $179.95 was broken into and my check was on the ground when the mailman arrived to unload the box. It will be returned to me on the 7th. I need the address to remail it to you.
Leo Plumley
Hi Mr Mark Hamilton , I am still waiting for my third book. I read the first book , I am going to give it to my youngest son James. He is an IT Manager. My older, other son is a Doctor in South Carolina. I am into the second book now. The NEOTHINK are great books. I enjoyed it till the end. I worked many jobs in my life. Of course you know. I have have been to NY to California to Wisconsin back to NY. Regards, Mary R
How can I get in touch with you for a few questions? Pat
I have enjoyed ready the books. Very interesting. Thanks for mentoring me . Received another invitation and thought I was already inroled with you. Looking forward to achieving great things with you
I am glad to finally meet you! The future changes will be positive changes every human’s needs! I am confident with creative solutions to the puzzles that challenge the society, we will have the future we all desire! My hope is is to bring social change,as my dedication to 42 years of sobriety and degrees in Social Work, Early Childhood Education, Art Education/Special Education U understand the developmental and behavioural challenges we will be undertaking. It will be a journey that can be achieved built in a person’s strengths! I am honored you looked me up! Thank you, and happy to meet my mentor!
greatbook. im a member but cany seem to get in so far, dont know to much about computers. willing to learn. wpold likr to get into club houses. they never mailed me the password cobe. my adress is 22840 great trail akeley minn.
I have a stoke. A computer is not good for me.
Mr.Mark Hamilton
Thanks for the books I read them Very interesting
When is the next meeting in my area ?
Thank you.
Hi Mark
I feel in credibly blessed to have you as my mentor,looking forward to
meeting you. I am now retired with lots of spare time on my hands.
You have inspired me immensely,so keep up the good works.
I am 75 years old and currently retired, however, I have been invited to return to work on a part time basis for the next few months.
I have been working in the field of substance abuse and recovery for many years and I myself am actively pursuing a personal recovery program.
I take pride in working with others pursuing their own recovery program and feel gifted in being able to help simplify and provide guidance to others as they break down their own false beliefs that seem to keep them from growing.
I am unclear at this point exactly whit my Friday Night Essence is, however, I do have a great passion with respect to helping others.
I have read the first three Neothink books and have just received the 4th on the secret teachings. I am very interested in learning more and growing in the Neothink Community.
I believe and have felt for quite some time now that I am indeed an immortal being trapped in a mortal environment. I look forward to continued teachings and contact with the Society
How do I get plugged into the 10 second miracle? I can’t seem to get it right! I hope that I can get the vision to see the superpuzzle someday!
Alrite Mark, so I’ve come to another theory.
Neo tech is the future, I saw the book.
I’ve figured out what you read is buried deep beneath the surface.
Inside a computer.main frame.
I’ve used keys before.
But this is a really cool book.
I’ve got 10 books, now.
And I’m an architect,
This has turned out to be extremely valuable.
I don’t honestly know, how to thank you yet.
I’m working hard.
To get @ grip.
Thanks dude.
I’m not really afraid anymore.
I can see so well, what the facts are.
In any given situation.
Way cool…….
Alrite Mark, so I’ve come to another theory.
Neo tech is the future, I saw the book.
I’ve figured out what you read is buried deep beneath the surface.
Inside a computer.main frame.
I’ve used keys before.
But this is a really cool book.
I’ve got 10 books, now.
And I’m an architect,
This has turned out to be extremely valuable.
I don’t honestly know, how to thank you yet.
I’m working hard.
To get @ grip.
Thanks dude.
I’m not really afraid anymore.
I can see so well, what the facts are.
In any given situation.
Way cool
Have not found Fridaynigjt Essence. This seems to be the toughest challenge l have ever undertaken.
I have a tiny handyman business, work mostly by myself. it is 75 percent bicameral labor. I understand and appreciate the mini day schedule
But see little application-do try to bunch calls as much as I can. Have not found FridaynightEssence.
I have read three mark Hamilton books, started the fourth, and ordered the fifth.
This seems to be the biggest challenge I have ever. Undertaken.
hi mark i miss steve phone call,he never call me back,i have a new phone number.I join the neothink and i paid my fee.iforgot my pass word so now i. cannot get on. i Lestion to the calls on the telephon.but hear very little.iam so sad,I sure could use a friend.
I Dont Seem to be doing much better, need to read more i ges i’m a Host Home Provider so cant relly start something bigenney way its verry intrasting stuff. thank you.
I’d like to add since the first letter as “oh yeah, I completely agree with this Mr. Hamilton,” “I’ve had these gifts all along as the center world had changed yes this society needs me. Yep, picking up the many broken pieces of my self yet this puzzle picked it’s self up. Because this is exactly how i hadn’t felt.. The odd thing is that maybe I am inclined of noticing the distractional stuff that isn’t the New sly as things do change Priority an Obligations grew; ” What if you could do something about it?” ” this uff’s are of people now given in forgetting Perhaps there is something to it.
Hello mark,
Just letting you in on some of my vital information.
I’m with the army Stand-To program.
I’m with star trek fan club, wof.
The matrix
Casting 360.
I’m high school valedictorian.
And I’m also an Eagle Scout.
The League , hof.
So I’ve got a lot of stuff to work with.
And the lessons I read, are very helpful.
Thank you for understanding,
And we could use a bit of help around the house.
Basically my , mom just needs to better understand, that it’s going to work.
And we can finally get the ball rolling.
We just need to figure this , and pay attention to the numbers.
I’m a mentor, I can handle this in a mature way.
But my mind has to process the information.
Like one of those epiphany moments.
Well more like helping mom with her eureka moments.
This has been a difficult time.
But I’ve read my manual like 5 times.
So I believe in this , with full conviction.
And sometimes it took harsh mediation.
So we need to finalize, and utilize, a house of godman.
So everyone is safe and sound.
I’m listening to my zon.
And being helpful.
And I see this will work to all our advantages.
I understand it takes time.
So I’m thankful also as well.
So thanks.
Dear Mark:
It was a blessing for me listening to you a month ago. I was typing my comment at the end but, because I am an slow typist -English is not my mother language- the system put me out and couldn’t submit it.
However, I am here and is for me great pleasure. I want to be an active part of this community and be as helpful as I can.
Currently I am preparing myself for a global marketing venture. I recently created CGG Global Marketing LLC and I am studying how to implement my website that is still not built.
I belief that in a not far away future I can have some of the fellow in this community to join me and together put things out. There will be a lot of work to do and share for our benefit and for the benefit of this planet.
Love to be here.
Love you Mark, too
Hello mark, I see a lot of great stuff in your future.
Remember this number.
I strive to do my best.
Dear Mark,
I feel incredibly blessed to have you as a mentor. I am busy getting everything read so I’ll be ready to meet you and attend the first meeting. I am now retired. I am at a crossroad in my life and looking to make a difference.
I consider myself extremely lucky!
I’m at an all time high, being 33rd degree knights of Columbus.
I’m also an elks lodge member, with beginning, and running with no less than 21st to 23 rd degree fellows.
I just want to make sure I get a reply from Estella, before I put on my fedora, and March in 5here with Guns blazing.
5 home based business, opportunity’s.
I’m dead and broke, I gota do something, before this goes south, too fast.
Mark, this is A question I just started pondering.
Look I work tax free, I’m using a certificate voucher program.
But because I’ve completed so much work.
And I’m just now using my vouchers.
From the successful employers.
I need to see if I can.
Go to th3 secret P.O. box # I have at a lodge.
To process my sales receipts.
Using the 144 advantages.
I have just restarted my success story.
And need to start with step 1.
I’m basically completely retired with my contracts.
Got a Montgomery,GI bill.credit set, with key card.
And vouchers for a whole arsenal.of weaponry, but I Medal very effectively.
And the three steel reserves.for retirement.
Everything is finite, with my letters of reprimand.
And have been for a long time.
I’m starting to venture.
So I can do the 409.
And begin cycle seven.
I’m getting to my ceo aptitude.
My sister just passed away, she’s from Germany.
I need to bring her around to remember the way she was.
By hearts broken she’s gone.
It was my job to step out, into life and find her.
So I need to start soul searching.
I’m in a freakin aviary all the time, or rather a terrarium.
But I’ve earned about 10 badges in my time.
So I need to wake you up.
And see your adept knowledge at work.
See what I can get started.
God bless this holy place.
And business is great.
I’m pagan, Pentecostal, non denomination.
Basically atheist.
But feeling agnostic.
I bet my sisters alrite.
She’s always had hope.
As ai said, she’s born in Mannheim
Mr. Hamilton this is Mason J. signing on I have been studying the 12 Visions, and seeing how to build a political party , believe me it could be a powerful party where every one could get the opportunity to be very wealthy the key is to get people out of their stagnant life, and see how they could help themselves out of life rut that keeps them from prospering, people has to want positive change in their life and recognize that you can be a success with just a little help. Life is about choices but you must set some goals, start putting the puzzle together, apiece at a time. Get a vision of the final piece of the puzzle, write your vision down look at it every day to keep you inspired and the key is don’t look back, keep on marching to your high calling. I also am in the start of the fifth level working each step. going back and even reading about Friday night Essence, and in the process of designing my project, and trying to do drafting of my project, and determining the kind of plastic that would be strong enough to build my project, and the cheapest way to build it. also needs to build a web sight to advertise my product. As you can see Mr. Hamilton I am very busy also am recruiting men to work with me on the project. I am excited to get all the pieces of the puzzles to together. I will try to see and meet other people in the Neothink Society. Thanks for your help and guidance. Mason J.
Mr. Hamilton I have been in the hospital for 10 days almost died and now am having trouble with my Liver, colon, and appendix. But even through all I have been through I am on level four, and people are coming in to help build my company. I am still woking on the right material to build my product. I am working on getting all the pieces of the puzzle together. I am still on different parts all at ounce. I have not been able to set on any of the televised teaching. I will try I may be headed back to the hospital, depending on how my system holds up. Mr.Hamilton will be in contact still enjoying the challenge. Mason J.
Mr. (MH) Neothink I apologize for the silence. I am going through a large change in my life since I had to retire. I have three major projects under way. One is three quarter finished two are half done, three more are barely started. All are waiting for money to finish. Bad part is I have invested just about all I have. This is a business I was planning in 2007 for after retiring. During the 2008-2009 recession I put a hold on every thing. Well it takes forever to regain the momentum from the hold to restart. The labor and parts prices have risen at least triple. Needless to say I have again come to a stop. I am looking for a job. The Prime Law and Twelve Vision Movement is still the best this Blue Jewel has ever heard and seen, in history or future. Love to all.
Hi Mark! I am anxious to receive your most recent manuscript with the many secrets
on how to turn my financial crisis around so that I can begin contributing to your
Neothink Society. Although I have read about how numerous new members have received large amounts of money, some even into their checking accounts, I have not received a
dime to date, but the bad news has accelerated and yet I still believe in you and your team. I have purchased all of your manuscripts on time despite my accelerating debt. My partner has now lost a daughter, a son, a daughter-in law and her brother.
I lost my son in November as I had mentioned previously. I was hoping that one of our members who had been successful in the stock market .would pass on some scoop! I am anxious to meet you Mark and other members of your team!!
Greetings Mr. Hamilton
I am in the process of developing my prototypes, and am in level three part Two of forbidden revelation. I find myself moving deeper into Neothink, where all the parts are coming together. and I find myself thinking and processing things differently, and different ways of coping with each part of the puzzle, and I start creating more values. I see the common Denominator and how it brings me to a Friday Night Essence, and having fun creating Values, and playing.
Mr. Hamilton I also saw in the comments of all our wonderful members, it would be many people that would be like Mrs. Annabelle’s Class. I will continue working on My project until I complete it, then I can share it with you. Thank You For Your Help. Mason J.
dear mark never has it been easier to become rich and powerfull as I discovered when I went to a thanksgiving dinner with my girlfriends family. all I had to do was carve the ham and by so doing assume the role of host. there is no more powerfull position in life than host. but, easy as it might have been for some people it was far beyond my competence so nobody got any ham. I am reminded of a similar celebration that I attended in the philipines many years ago. my dad had just read a book. it’s title was the peter principle. what was it about asked the host. it says that a man will rise through the ranks of life going higher and higher until he reachs a position for which he is no longer competent and stays in that position. so by failing to rise to the occasion and carve the ham I in effect lost my opportunity to become rich and powerfull and perhaps demonstrated how there will come a time when the ruling class will be eliminated and everyone will live like millionairs. it still bothers me to know my level of incompetence is that of host. that doesn’t mean I’m not a host. that just means i’m an incompetent host
I have a favor to ask. Can I start my Secret Meetings in April? I just retired at yearend 2017. Besides a lot of distractions in getting organized, my wife and I will be leaving March 6, 2018 for a 15-night Panama Canal cruise plus visiting relatives in Florida following the cuise. I plan to spend a lot of time catching up on my reading in preparation for the Secret Meegings.
I’m hoping the two month delay in starting the Secret Meetings can be accommodated. Thank you for your help with this delay.
James Abney
Greetings Mr. Hamilton,
Thank you, I am grateful for the confidence you have by selecting me to be a member. I am in a position at my company where I can,t make decisions and be successful at my assignments. I’m definitely in a rut. I am half way through my third air-loom book. I love the stock market and have some investments, I want to do this on a daily basis. No matter what I am doing I always read or look at something involving the stocks or a investment newsletter. I gladly accept this mission responsibly and look forward to learning and growing and becoming a true value creator. This anti-civilization, with its control and biases and injustice to mankind has no use in my world. Thank you sincerely
Mark I observed through comments to you that I am not the only new Neothink
member who is in debt as I believe you also were in financial straits at one time.
Is there a path that those of us who are struggling financially can take to expedite
improving our debt picture? All of us have read about experiencing financial
success and the feeling of power and confidence that it brings. I am likely not the only member who has experienced a divorce. Looking forward to your thoughts, Thank
you. Schuyler A.
Hello ,Mark Hamilton,Thank You For Being My Mentor.
I Really Do Have A Desire To Help People
With Transportation & Housing Needs
I love Making Jewelry, & Creating Paper Crafts No one Has Ever Been Able To Duplicate.
Could These Two Crafts Be Considered
As Value Creation?
I Also Have A Real Passion For Recycling Trash (Literally Speaking)
Into Useable HouseHold Goods.
hi mentor , just want to know when are we inspecting level four?
I can help people find their Friday Night Essence AND then steer them with Ten Second Miracles—I’ve had visions of creative futures my entire adult life… The only thing: I am in debt and do not have the monthly money to join your social club. I stand at your service, however, and will help people “find and innovate” if you seek me out.
I am a retired military navy and army service member. Looking for a way to make money to support my family and my grand kids so they could live a better life.Thank you Mark.
Mr. Hamilton I have thought about, what I would share with you for the last three days. I am a 67 year old male that has been a minister for 42 years, I have preached the gospel all over the world. I was in the Army for 22 years, I was a Green Beret in Viet Nam with the 101st Airborne Div. And was in Desert Storm in 1991, as a staff Psychologist on the Front Lines with the C co. third Armor Div. 7th Corp. Mr. Hamilton as I studied Your Books. I could relate to a lot of life experiences that I have had throughout my life. It was Mrs. Virginia Colson, my 5th grade teacher, was my Mrs. Annabelle, she was the first person in my life that believed in me, and she taught me to believe in me and that I could succeed in any thing I put my mind to. Mr. Hamilton my life has not been an easy one I was adopted when I was 5 years old to an alcoholic Mother that put me through Hell. I learned the hard way to survive. I learned very early in my life to set short range goals, and worked each step to accomplish my long range goals until my goal was completed. I was putting puzzle pieces together without even knowing it, until I completed the Master puzzle. All my life I learned all the basic parts or nitty gritty of any thing or job that I happened to be doing. I have always liked a challenge, and was never satisfied with the stagnant way of doing something. I learned very early in my life that a rut is a grave with both ends knocked out. I learned to value people very early in my Ministry and my life. Dealing with people in the counseling field and the ministry is a great test in dealing with people on all levels. Mr. Hamilton I have still have much to learn about business, and I promise You, my Goal is to be the best value producer and money maker that I can ever be. I believe with your guidance and instruction I will soar to levels I have never known. Mr. Hamilton I look forward to setting down with you sometime and talking with you in some of our meetings. Thanks For Listening. Mason B. J.
hi mr hamilton sir i am studing my3of3neothink books and i also have my prime cure also .thank you sir and your family god bless you all for this gift neothink save my life sir.all these years i still have that kid in me. he guest got wiser sir.and i will make you very very proud of me and the other members also.sir iunderstand it a lot. sir neothink theroy its in my heart and i truely beleave with your help and other
members in the society i will put value happness and independance back in socity bring back the jobs and ihave projects in my head for years and years to help children with cancer and there familys and intercitys kids all around the world and the senoirhomes and my baby my dream loveminds bookends theory i have it in my mimi days also in my fridaynights and also in my divising of labor and studing moneymakingsystem andfreedom parmdigm and the 3 three insights there our components in my heart and soul thats my gift to you metor and to the other members d if i make it there with you all god welling bernard. t ar s gobs or
h . of
Mr Mark Hamilton,
My name is Bernard T. I love Neothink. Sir, I want first
to say thank you and the other leading members for believing in me. Sir I do understand some of the theories of your manuscripts. What I am trying to say is that I feel inside of me I do have these hidden traits and potential that you and your leading members say I do.
I’m going through my conference calls and meetings. I’m starting to find out where my club houses locations are.
My ways to make employement
Nascar pitcrew, driver
Radio station dj, vj.
United States postal service
EPA certified
Hov express lane
Hello mark,
It’s christopher jenkins.
I’d just like to apoligize, since I haven’t been able to reach the site.
I’ve been in a byte of confusion.
I’m getting everything sorted out.
I’d like to formally introduce myself, and the progress I’ve made since last time.
Which has been absolutely phenomenal.
Let’s start by saying, I graduated Richland high school in honors class, so my secret name is actually in 12 forms.
But joe baker, is my high school name, I ran cross country, first aid, musician, theatre, rotc Air Force, and honor Guard.
There’s an article, in there everyone can access.
I’m the school valedictorian.
I’m a member actively in whiz quiz,
I’m in the Latin chess and debate club.
And president of the chess club.
I’m in uil science,
And uil numbersence.
Member of the national honor society
And enrolled in all the honor classes my schedule could hold.
I’m an American Airlines scholar.
And Texas state boys delegate.
The highest awards I recived besides valedictorian,
Was the national merit finalist.
I came in first in the senior class, with a numerical average of 110.95.
Planned on attending university of Texas,
For a bachelor on arts.
And go back to study law, at either Texas or Stanford.
I joined the air Force after that.
And basically learned first of all about back stage passes.
I have like 14.
It’s similar to a
Ensign,1st lieutenate, 2nd Lieutenate, cadet, and recruit.
I needed to get the membership.
But got very lost after my boot camp.
I got my astronaut badge,
I mentioned I earned the Air Force in another letter.
That’s how I got this membership.
I also got a halo badge,
It’s like 5 Rolex’s,
6 black belt titles.
4 trophy’s for the Nextel racing cup.
6 Olympic medals
6 World Series poker awards.
3 horse racing trophy’s
3 super bowl rings
2 World Series baseball rings and 2 trophy’s.
And 3 nba champion rings.but 1 win.
Nascar rings 2.
(3 psychology rings.
Physchlogy at Christian academy.
Psychology at Thur good Marshall .
And psychology at family institute.)
So it all added up to jostins graduation gifts,
And I absorbed the benifits.
I’m developing…
Staying in shape is tough, but I’m more lucid than I was.
I’ve got some developmental disabilities.
But it’s looks as though the casinos might be profitable.
Speech deficit – craps
Language barrier – lottery
Learning disability- bingo
Attention deficit and disorder – poker
Schizoaffective- slot machines
Bipolar- roulette
Depressive- billiards
Degenerative- darts
Dereliction of duty disorder.- scratch offs.
I’m not really to blame for the response I get from outher people.
It’s due to war zones, and their is a lot of said…
Spying and espionage.
It gets very serious.
I think it’s because I needed a support system.
I’ve tried everything…
Even buying an insurance police, for my favorite girl friend Victoria Underwood .
I haven’t seen her in probably 25 years.
But I have basically nobody else I’d rather give it too.
I accidentally got insurance for my mom,
And it was term life, and whole life.
Which did not even work rite.
At some of my funerals, I saw my love Victoria.
She’s like an angel from heaven.
I got to kiss her and it’s like we were married.
I couldn’t think of a better girl
Than my Victoria’s Secret model.
Anyway, she’s way outa my league.
And has always been in the Star Trek fan club.
So she’s more smart than myself I think.
I couldn’t be more thankful.
Look I like Superman, Star Wars, and the military.
Which is like the seven wonders of the world.
Or West Point.
It’s summed up to the cross country embroidery I got.
Which is nasa phone communication.
We’re going places my friend…
But I gotta get working, without making a disturbance.
I got like 35 trillion dollars, in transports.
And major narcotics shipments.
Ex centinals.
I’ve got two centennial awards.
I’m just trying to be respectful.
I mean I don’t want to be president of the United States dude.
Like Washington or Kennedy, or Martin Luther king.
Heck I’m so stiff from war.
I’m barely standing, I know when I leave my house,
There’s a target on my head.
Because they want to raid my warehouse.
I’m in a lot of terminals.
I’m just getting my papers in order.
Don’t worry I haven’t, stated any thing here.
It’s a basic run up, of good deeds.
I got good people looking out for me.
And I’d lik3 to be more supportive.
It just takes a lot of skill to have successful negotiations.
Since, life is only what you make of it.
And you can be anything you need to be in life.
I just feel really drained.
I think I over exerted myself jousting cars.
Cheers mark.
If you have any thing to add, just let me hear it.
I’m here to help if I can…
I’m excited to read and receive enlightenment regarding the contents that continues to open doors of opportunity for me to be the person I was meant to be by focusing on playing as an adult, opening to my opportunities found in my Friday night essense. By discovering value creation in regards to something held delivers to me the importance of worth and usefulness. I see clearly principle, standards of behavior and ones judgement of what is truly important in life.
so glad to know that life should be better than where i am now . a job well done mark thanks so so much. looking forward for more uplifting ideas from you to help me please
I have read or should say absorbed, gravitated, infuse, ingested the contents of your writings because these aren’t words to merely read but to let the meat of the words be a part your being. Consciousness, not all this other stuff of super, cosmic, divine but plain old consciousness being invented in yourself is so supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. I have not had a routine rut job since 1988 and started studying in my first of three secret schools in 1975 and nothing I been a part of can come close to Neothink, sir. Mr. Mark Hamilton, Michael Dean is 220% into what you are expressing in your books of showing us who we truly are and why we must be committed to NEOTHINK!